OT: What are your quick recipes for staying healthy during CPA studies?

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  • #169777
    2/15 n/30

    I started to eat healthy before my friend convinced me to sit for the CPA. However, once I started studying for the CPA I allowed myself to forfeit my healthy 3 meal times for 1 T-bell quesidilla & 2 tacos meal.

    With that being said, I found this article today and decided I could make time to stay healthy.


    Currently, I take an assortment of vitamins that boost metabolism and promote a healthy heart (Think about it, a healthy heart and higher metabolism promotes a better circulatory system that brings blood to your brain, that thing that’s helping us remember one metric F’ ton of material)

    B-50 complex (Promotes a higher metabolism)

    Fish Oil (Healthy heart – be sure to get enteric coated… fish burps sound gross)

    Complete multivitamin

    Calcium (Might as well if I’m taking all this other stuff)

    Also, I thought I’d share a recipe I made for Tilapia fish.

    1 Tilapia fillet

    1 tblsp of butter or substitute

    1/4 teaspoon of creole seasoning

    1/4 garlic powder

    1/4 onion powder

    Siaracha sauce to taste (I like spicy stuff, so i usually load it up)

    Melt the butter in a Tupperware container. Add the Creole, garlic, and onion powder. Add the Siaracha. Mix thoroughly. Cover the tilapia with the mix. Set oven to 350. Bake for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of your filet.

    If you could share your quick and healthy recipes that would be great.

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73

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  • #340540

    Spinach pasta – this is my recipe so combine all to taste.

    Cook whole wheat spaghetti or pasta of choice.

    Spinach mix: chop fresh spinach (sometimes I add fresh basil if I have it), walnuts (or other nuts, but pine nuts are expensive, and I really like walnuts in this), and some parmesan in a food processor for desired texture.

    In skillet put a bit of olive oil onions & garlic to carmelize (not burn), add halved cherry tomatoes and spinach mix; cook for few minutes until hot and tomatoes soften. Throw in pasta, stir and enjoy. I usually do splurge on extra parmesan.

    Pasta w jarred tomato sauce (Rao's recommended) w/ no additional oil/loads of cheese etc. is always a great option and very quick.

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
    B - 74;89
    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done


    seriously, healthy choice frozen dinners are a god-send. i am super lazy when it comes to cooking and eat them every day!! haha. cooking for one person sucks because not only does it take up time, but there's a lot of wasted ingredients and i feel like i end up eating the same thing for days on end. with the frozen meals i feel like i can get a variety of vegetables and nutrients without being so wasteful. the downside is that because they're low fat, they have to make it taste good somehow…so there's a lot of salt. it's not an absurd amount, so eating one a day isn't too bad. i'm young and healthy though so that's not a huge concern to me right now.

    but yeah, i realize eating packaged food is not ideal, but it's a thousand times better for you than taco bell!! and they usually take less than five minutes to make. such a great time saver.

    REG (08/2011) - 73 (2/2012) - 72
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    2/15 n/30

    @Tina82 I'm not shy when it comes to Spinach, So I'll give your recipe a try once I finish R3 lectures and my grocery shopping.

    @Nebraska Hah. I've never tried frozen dinners really. But I do buy a ton of frozen vegetable microwaveable sides because, like you, I'm cooking for 1, going to class, writing a 15 page term paper, working at a bar, and keeping up with the CPA review class (notice how fast I'm trying to get the CPA over with below). So time is my biggest issue.

    Thanks for the pointers. I'm hoping more people post here, so I can get a little more creative with my healthy cooking.

    Here is a quick favorite:

    PB and J

    Peanut butter (I prefer crunchy) to taste

    Jelly to taste

    2 slices of bread

    Haha, it may look like a joke. But the article I mentioned above said it's important to speed your metabolism up by eating 6 small meals a day. A PBJ could be a quick & healthy choice for two of those, right?

    Does anyone have any Tuna recipes? I heard that's good for you.

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73


    For tuna try mixing with chopped celery, parsley, canelloni (sp?) beans or chickpeas, bit of garlic and olive oil, salt+pepper. Eat as salad or on bread with fresh tomatoes or cucumbers and fresh arugula. Canned beans are fine just make sure to rinse well until there are no more bubbles forming.

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
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    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done

    2/15 n/30

    Chicken Street Tacos:

    1 Chicken breast

    Diced onion

    Diced cilantro

    Corn/Flower tortillas

    Mixed Mexican cheese (optional)

    Grill the chicken breast with whatever seasoning you prefer (I go with the Monterrey grill mates kind) and cut into quarter sized pieces. Wet your hands and “spritz” your tortillas with water and wrap in a paper towel. Microwave them for 15 seconds. Add chicken, diced onion, diced cilantro, and cheese on top of your tortillas and presto, easy healthy street tacos.

    Bec: 8/31/12
    Aud: 8/1/12
    Reg: 76
    Far: 73


    lol, now I can't stop thinking about food!!

    For a twist on pb&j try almond butter, sliced fresh pears, and honey.

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
    B - 74;89
    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done


    Make a big pot of chili, bean, vegetable or chicken tortilla soup (whatever you like) and freeze it in single size portions. It is healthy and you could easily heat one up for lunch.

    When I I first began the CPA journey, I started taking fish oil, B vitamins and ginkgo biloba.


    If u don't have a crock pot I recommend getting one. Here's a delicious healthy recipe that I came up with on my own!

    Put 2 chicken breasts in a crock pot. Mix 1 packet of taco seasoning mix with 1 cup of water. Add 1 can diced tomatoes & mix until combined. Pour liquid mixture over chicken & cook until chicken is pull-apart tender. You don't even have to thaw the chicken 1st, frozen will cook up just fine. You can serve the cooked chicken over rice or pasta, put it in taco or burrito shells, add it to soup or chili or just eat it on its own. No fat, lots of flavor!

    You can easily double this to have freezer portions or if you're having company.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    @Allyson, so do you notice a difference after taking those vitamin supplements?

    @kmwgrace, I do that crock pot recipe too! I don't use the taco seasoning packet because it has too much sodium so I just spice it up on my own (cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic, “slap ya mama” <—lol yes that is a real seasoning!) and if I don't have a can of tomatoes I'll use a jar of salsa 🙂 Speedy and delicious!

    I think the easiest, healthy, quick meal for my family starts with a grill. Usually chicken (marinate first with whatever–italian dressing, BBQ sauce. Here's a link to some homemade marinades– https://maddieruud.hubpages.com/hub/Grilled-Chicken) and then throwing some asparagus on the grill with it and making a small side salad.


    @kmwgrace – Great minds obviously think alike! The only variation on my recipe is that I use Rotel tomatoes. Great over rice. I also have a tuna sandwich recipe that my grandmother would fix for me when I was a kid. She was on weight watchers so mayo and salad dressing were out. She would drain tuna in water, add mustard and a couple of shots of balsamic vinegar. She always used wheat bread to make the sandwich. Loved those as a kid and still do! She would also make me pb&j sandwiches with Nuttella. Yummy!!

    This is a great thread by the way. Thanks!


    Oh yeah I can see a ton of variations. Add corn, beans, etc. the liquid makes a great soup base too. Gotta get some “slap ya mama,” with a name like that it's gotta be a good spice mix! Lol

    Sadly I have a fish/seafood allergy so all these great tuna recipes, I'm thinking how can I do that with chicken? This is a great thread, I'm always on the lookout for new recipes.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!



    Bec 4/11/11 91
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    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA


    @kmwgrace Where do you live? I'm in the south and slap yo mama is in every grocery store. I like Zatarains better. Its not as salty to me. I still use Granny's Weight Watchers cookbook and there are some great healthy recipes. Some are pretty involved but good.


    One of my favs is Crock Pot Chicken. It is a weight watcher's recipe that my friend gave me:

    1 whole chicken

    1/2 bottle of injectable marinade

    Inject the chicken with the marinade the night before. In the morning before you go to work stick the chicken in your crock pot and put on low. Let it cook all day and when you get home it is fully cooked and oh so juicy! The leftovers make great sammies too!!


    What I have decided to try this week is I went to Costco last weekend and got a variety of protiens that were individually frozen so I can just pop a few out and cook them and I made a huge salad, so every night we are going to have a salad along with some protien like a chicken breast or some fish. I think that will be pretty healthy for us and pretty quick and easy.

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