@BaseballCPA2 – THANK YOU I NEEDED THAT. I do come here and vent, and read what everyone is saying.. It actually has helped me a lot.. I am slowly trying to move on and study.. and I know this will take some time. I have decided that its just time to cut her out, and stop being in contact with her. I am only doing what she wants trying to become friends. I do not want to be her friend. That ish sucks.
I know im still young, and I know in the future I will have bigger problems.. (hopefully not divorce!!) I don’t know how people do it.. being married for 15+ or even 5+ years, and getting a divorce, and they seem to move right along.. Im feeling like crap over 2 years.
I know it just hurts more then anything right now because we did everything together.. I literally mean everything. She took me places, showed me places, I’ve never been too before. She was very cute, shes very honest, and shes a pretty good religious girl. I really got along with her family, and I thought hey I met the perfect family, and the perfect girl.. What more could I want? Apparently it wasn’t enough for her.
The thing is.. I take the exam 3 days before I start my Big 4 job, and I have a week long session of training all day everyday, so I really need to just buckle down and plow FAR down.
I truly appreciate your help.. I know I said this before.. but you (and other A71 members) have helped me get through this better then anyone else. I don’t have anyone else to talk too..
@CPATerminator – HAHAHA
@CPApending – All her friends ( the 5 of them ) are .. not my type. Lets just leave it at that. You are right though that I do need to live life happy. I should be thankful I don’t have a life threatening disease, and I have all my senses, a good home, and great family..
@stefiva3 – Thank you!!!! That tree analogy is something I’ve never heard of.. I actually laughed lol..
I guess it just blows more then anything at this moment because for the past 2 years.. everything was done together.. I learned so much from her.. we did so much together that I would of never thought of… Its really sad, I just feel like im mourning the death of the relationship. I was with her all day everyday.. now nothing. Its truly unfortunate that we have to go through these things in life.. it really is.
I just need my CPA, buy myself a nice Benz, and find myself a nice looking (classy) girl, and drive out in the sunset.
THANK YOU GUYS!!! You’ve all been very supportive…