OT: Well it happened.. GF No More. - Page 6

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  • #173702

    After 2 long years.. she has broken up with me saying she’s unsure if she wants anything more serious with me (as in marriage), and that we argue a bit too much (which she has admitted its both of our faults). This couldn’t come at a worse time… I can’t concentrate on FAR. All I did today was watch a 3 hr lecture. Thats it. We are both accounting grads, and going for the CPA. She started work already a month ago (thats when our problems started). She would be at the metro around 10pm, and I would pick her up and take her home, where I would hang out with her and her family for an hour or so. She would be so exhausted that we would spend very little time together (which I am okay with). But she would snap at any little thing…

    We went through everything together.. junior/senior year together, graduation, interviews, and a study abroad trip. life sucks. Thought I was going to marry this girl.. I guess not.

    sorry for the off topic, just needed somewhere to vent.


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    @futuremdcpa Since you have discribed this girl as perfect. Everybody will appreciate if you post her pic. LOL


    Haha I am sure someone will recognize her and then know who I am 😛 She is pretty cute, I mean there are hotter/sexier girls out there.. but she is a pretty cute girl. Shes like a country girl.



    all ive done is 24 questions in 3 hours.. and ive gotten 8 right 34%. i hate girls.. they blow.



    I know, screw girls!!

    But hey it's lunch time, why don't you go get some good food, then come back and try again?




    just had lunch. i just cant concentrate I wish she felt the same. Stupid a** public accounting. If she wasn't working all these crazy hours she would be able to feel the way I do. Why did she have to get a job in public, why not a nice 40 hr gov't job.

    She tells me she just wants to be alone… ughh.. Its so sad how one person in a relationship can decide everything. Its like me just saying I want to be together.. I just decided it.. there.. you decided to be alone, I decided to be together.



    @futuremdcpa – Please don't take anything I'm about to say the wrong way, because I'm doing it out of genuinely wanting to help you succeed.

    You need to snap the hell out of it. Stop moping about this girl, sack up, and push through this exam. Enough is enough. TRUST me…I get it…it SUCKS. But you can't stop living your life and doing the things you need to do just because some girl who won't make a bit of difference in the future broke up with you. I'm not telling you not to be sad…it's completely natural to be sad, and guess what, you're going to be sad for awhile…like months. Shit happens, but what I'm telling you is that you have to stop this masochistic behavior where you call this girl every friggin' night even though you're not together and listen to her spew out some bullshit about how she doesn't want to be in a relationship but that she cares about you and feels guilty. Because it's a total f***king load of crap. She doesn't feel guilty…she just doesn't want to be with you. End of story. All you're doing with the continuous phone calls and texts or whatever is giving her POWER over you. Don't do that anymore. Be a man and let her know she doesn't own you. She can't be living rent free in your head while you're trying to pass this exam.

    You're still pretty young so I'll let you in on a little secret: life sucks sometimes…this won't be the last time you feel like shit. You'll get broken up with, you may get laid off, you may (in the future) have kids/get divorced/lose custody, lose family members, etc. Life has it's blessings, but it also knows how to take a fat dump on you from time to time. You can't let yourself become non-functional every time you hit a bump in the road. I am truly sorry that this girl (who seems so perfect right now) broke up with you, because I know how bad that feels, but I am also telling you that you better get used to this feeling. This won't be the last time you feel like this, but you're going to learn how to set those feelings aside and do what you need to do.

    If you really can't focus, then postpone the exam. Nothing wrong with that. But you need to stop punishing yourself. You have to realize what a blessing life is in the long run and what a catch you're going to be to some girl in the future. I'm sure you have some endearing qualities that plenty of girls would love.

    For the record, I would (and have) say the same thing to any one of my friends if they were in a similar situation. The next post I see from you better say something to the effect of, “I told that woman to get out of my head and now I'm blazing through these review books like a champ!”. I'm really rooting for you, man!!

    P.S. You should still vent on here (to us) if it makes you feel better…I think it's cathartic. I was just trying to make the point that you can't let this girl who you're not even with anymore run your life.


    @futuremdcpa..I volunteer BaseballCPA to be your part-time gf if that makes you feel better..;)


    That's cute.


    Get your CPA, make your scractch, buy a convertible and date all her friends! Easy enough solved.

    There's no greater revenge than living a good life, while shagging her friends…..YEAH BABY YEAH (best Austin Powers imitation via typing).

    You could even get one of those 70's conversion van and have it wrapped on the sides with ‘CPA Shagging Wagon' and cruise around. I'd do it but my only van is a minivan and something's lost in the translation with that. 😀


    Yea, stop thinking about things would have been different if she has done this or that. It won't help you at all. It has already happened and you cannot change that. You have no control of that. So why not just try to think on the positive side? I know it is a sad time for you, but you have to try to change your mentality. Oh, and you still have a forest even though you lost a tree!!!!

    So don't think about “oh, maybe she would not have broken up with me if she had not gone into public accounting…” blah, I also thought like that during the first couple days of my breakup, but I am glad I soon realized that it would not help me. So f it, it's his loss anyway (and it's HER LOSS anyway on your side)!!!! 🙂

    There were things we said might not make you feel good, but just remember, we are all trying to get you back on the right track!!!


    @CPApending…bro..girls hate CPAs…


    I like CPAs, I must not be a girl… LOL


    CPATERMINATOR has a point.

    Tell all her friends you are a doctor!


    @BaseballCPA2 – THANK YOU I NEEDED THAT. I do come here and vent, and read what everyone is saying.. It actually has helped me a lot.. I am slowly trying to move on and study.. and I know this will take some time. I have decided that its just time to cut her out, and stop being in contact with her. I am only doing what she wants trying to become friends. I do not want to be her friend. That ish sucks.

    I know im still young, and I know in the future I will have bigger problems.. (hopefully not divorce!!) I don’t know how people do it.. being married for 15+ or even 5+ years, and getting a divorce, and they seem to move right along.. Im feeling like crap over 2 years.

    I know it just hurts more then anything right now because we did everything together.. I literally mean everything. She took me places, showed me places, I’ve never been too before. She was very cute, shes very honest, and shes a pretty good religious girl. I really got along with her family, and I thought hey I met the perfect family, and the perfect girl.. What more could I want? Apparently it wasn’t enough for her.

    The thing is.. I take the exam 3 days before I start my Big 4 job, and I have a week long session of training all day everyday, so I really need to just buckle down and plow FAR down.

    I truly appreciate your help.. I know I said this before.. but you (and other A71 members) have helped me get through this better then anyone else. I don’t have anyone else to talk too..

    @CPATerminator – HAHAHA

    @CPApending – All her friends ( the 5 of them ) are .. not my type. Lets just leave it at that. You are right though that I do need to live life happy. I should be thankful I don’t have a life threatening disease, and I have all my senses, a good home, and great family..

    @stefiva3 – Thank you!!!! That tree analogy is something I’ve never heard of.. I actually laughed lol..

    I guess it just blows more then anything at this moment because for the past 2 years.. everything was done together.. I learned so much from her.. we did so much together that I would of never thought of… Its really sad, I just feel like im mourning the death of the relationship. I was with her all day everyday.. now nothing. Its truly unfortunate that we have to go through these things in life.. it really is.

    I just need my CPA, buy myself a nice Benz, and find myself a nice looking (classy) girl, and drive out in the sunset.

    THANK YOU GUYS!!! You’ve all been very supportive…


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