OT: Reaching out on LinkedIn , how to start an email?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #183742

    Hello all, I was wondering how should I start an email on LinkedIn if I’m searching for a job. What I mean by this is, what is the best way to email old connections for job purposes. I mean, of course the simple way is.. what’s up, is your place hiring? Could you refer me?

    But, I really don’t want to make it sound like.. I’m only reaching out to them because I need help right now, I mean, I myself, hate those type of people (they are so fake right; only come to you when they need help). But, honestly I am not like that… i don’t 4get the ones who’ve helped me. But I just don’t want to come across / portrayed as that when I email old connections.

    With that said, how should I start the email? They are my old colleagues from college, which we graduated about 2-3 years ago. I haven’t had time to “hang out” etc, with them or even chat.. because of the CPA studying.. But now I’m really wanting to get into a big 4 since I’m still young, and it will definitely be a career builder and life changer if I can get in.

    And, MANY of my classmates got into big4.

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort

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  • #517662

    With networking…the way to make it seem like you aren't reaching out to your contacts for a job is to be in touch with them on a regular basis. If they are geographically close, invite them to various social events, as though they are your friends, even if you aren't quite as tight with them. Then, when you reach out for a job it won't seem so odd. Of course that doesn't help now…

    I would say to address the email pretty casually, ask for an update and when they ask for yours slide in that you are looking for a job. You can ask questions that you may already know the answer to but make clear you are interested in their company (When does your company do their hiring? How was the interview process? etc.). If you still get nothing, wait a week or two and send a quick follow up email referencing a specific job that is open in their company and ask if you could use them as a reference. Most important of all, stick in somewhere that you are available to them should they need anything in return. Networking is a two way street and although you may or may not have much to offer right now, you could in the future and them knowing that you recognize this as a favor that will be returned is absolutely critical.



    With networking…the way to make it seem like you aren't reaching out to your contacts for a job is to be in touch with them on a regular basis. If they are geographically close, invite them to various social events, as though they are your friends, even if you aren't quite as tight with them. Then, when you reach out for a job it won't seem so odd. Of course that doesn't help now…

    I would say to address the email pretty casually, ask for an update and when they ask for yours slide in that you are looking for a job. You can ask questions that you may already know the answer to but make clear you are interested in their company (When does your company do their hiring? How was the interview process? etc.). If you still get nothing, wait a week or two and send a quick follow up email referencing a specific job that is open in their company and ask if you could use them as a reference. Most important of all, stick in somewhere that you are available to them should they need anything in return. Networking is a two way street and although you may or may not have much to offer right now, you could in the future and them knowing that you recognize this as a favor that will be returned is absolutely critical.



    Yeah you've already potentially become the person reaching out only for a job/help, so don't kid yourself that CPA studies have prevented you from dropping an occasional email (not to say that I've kept super tight contact with people either, but I don't pretend that its impossible to message people occasionally–speaking of, maybe I'll go drop some how's it going emails to people right now lol).

    That said, I would probably be upfront in the email, I hate receiving emails with a paragraph of filler nonsense that contains the punchline (what you really want) buried in the middle somewhere.

    So you might take the approach to say, “hey so and so, I see you're still with P-Dub, I recently starting tackling the CPA exam and am thinking about going the public route, would appreciate your insight, wondering if we could grab coffee or a beer”

    Also remember, this is busy season, so it might be worth waiting a month or so.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Yeah you've already potentially become the person reaching out only for a job/help, so don't kid yourself that CPA studies have prevented you from dropping an occasional email (not to say that I've kept super tight contact with people either, but I don't pretend that its impossible to message people occasionally–speaking of, maybe I'll go drop some how's it going emails to people right now lol).

    That said, I would probably be upfront in the email, I hate receiving emails with a paragraph of filler nonsense that contains the punchline (what you really want) buried in the middle somewhere.

    So you might take the approach to say, “hey so and so, I see you're still with P-Dub, I recently starting tackling the CPA exam and am thinking about going the public route, would appreciate your insight, wondering if we could grab coffee or a beer”

    Also remember, this is busy season, so it might be worth waiting a month or so.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    @howmanyletters do you need Thanks for your inputs, any advice is appreciated. Also, I can't seem to find the favorite button, did A71 take that out? or is it just my browser?

    @Acamp Thank you as well! That is pretty reasonable.. I mean, i'm not anti social.. u can just call it blame the cpa studying process.. haha. But anyway, I like your punchline.. “lets grab a coffee/ beer”. That should work

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    @howmanyletters do you need Thanks for your inputs, any advice is appreciated. Also, I can't seem to find the favorite button, did A71 take that out? or is it just my browser?

    @Acamp Thank you as well! That is pretty reasonable.. I mean, i'm not anti social.. u can just call it blame the cpa studying process.. haha. But anyway, I like your punchline.. “lets grab a coffee/ beer”. That should work

    BEC: 69, 57, 72, 73, (anticipated for 4/4/2015)
    AUD: 65, 63, 74, 84!!! (expires 7/31/2015)
    FAR: 63, 57, (scheduled for 4/1/2015)
    REG: ... 42, (Anticipated to be around 5/20~)

    -Every Set Back is a Set Up for a Major Come Back #motivation

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed." - Michael Jordan

    "You are not your past, but the resources and capabilities you glean from it" -Jordan Belfort


    I'm with @acamp: “That said, I would probably be upfront in the email, I hate receiving emails with a paragraph of filler nonsense that contains the punchline (what you really want) buried in the middle somewhere.” When people clearly are after one thing but put all this fluff first, that annoys me worse. “How're you? How's the kids? What's the weather like? It's been SO long since we talked – we should really catch up! Oh and since I'm emailing you anyway, can you get me a job?” It's like…the first 4 sentences are clearly just a cover-up for the 5th! But @acamp‘s sample email seems like a “best of both worlds”. It doesn't try to hide the fact that yeah, you're using them as a connection…but it also makes it delicate and you get some hanging out so it's not just pure pumping for info.


    I'm with @acamp: “That said, I would probably be upfront in the email, I hate receiving emails with a paragraph of filler nonsense that contains the punchline (what you really want) buried in the middle somewhere.” When people clearly are after one thing but put all this fluff first, that annoys me worse. “How're you? How's the kids? What's the weather like? It's been SO long since we talked – we should really catch up! Oh and since I'm emailing you anyway, can you get me a job?” It's like…the first 4 sentences are clearly just a cover-up for the 5th! But @acamp‘s sample email seems like a “best of both worlds”. It doesn't try to hide the fact that yeah, you're using them as a connection…but it also makes it delicate and you get some hanging out so it's not just pure pumping for info.

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