OT: Peter Olinto is coming to my office today!! - Page 2

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  • #170075

    I had to share here. Only my wife and my coworkers even know who he is and how excited I am!

    What a beautiful Tuesday. I’m finally going to get that cup of coffee he owes me!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12

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  • #342900


    oh yeah! I got my picture!!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    There was one comment he made, I think it was during BEC but I don't remember the topic but he said “oh yeah, size does matter”. My husband was sitting there with me and we were both like “he DIDN'T just say that!” Laughed for an hour about that!

    REG 2/24 81
    BEC 4/03 BOO!!! Rematch in August
    FAR 5/25
    AUD 7/7


    What was he doing at your office? Pic please.

    Also, it's become very painful to listen to Tim start out an explanation saying “again”. It's not again if you're explaining something for the first time, Tim. C'mon! I'm okay with the ‘scholars' and ‘gang' comments because they are few and far between. Other than that, I have no beef with him.

    AUD - Pass
    FAR - Pass
    BEC - Pass
    REG - Nov


    “Size does matter” was in the BEC lectures in the B2 dealing with forecasting and variances *lol*. I also liked in REG when he called all the union people gangsters! He's funny…I woulda' told him to break up those BEC lectures though, and to snap a picture of Tim in a pink dress.


    I'm in the picture so its on my facebook, but I'm not linking it here.

    I think he was just there because my firm pays them so much money every year. In the last 3.5 years I can think of about 25 people in our firm who we purchased the course for. The firm pays it up front 100%.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I have Peter Olinto as a “friend' on Facebook. He actually replies to some posts. Anyways, I mentioned that he brought cookies to someone in Texas and told him that I expect him to come out to California for coffee when I am finished. He “liked” my post. Silly, I know… but I think he is “hot!” :)~ I would love to meet him!

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