OT: Peter Olinto is coming to my office today!!

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  • #170075

    I had to share here. Only my wife and my coworkers even know who he is and how excited I am!

    What a beautiful Tuesday. I’m finally going to get that cup of coffee he owes me!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12

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  • #342885

    I feel like I know the man. I miss him when I have to hear Tim. I'm excited for you!

    Who's better than us? NOBODY!

    REG 2/24 81
    BEC 4/03 BOO!!! Rematch in August
    FAR 5/25
    AUD 7/7


    That would be pretty cool! We have all spent so much time with him you really do feel like you know him! Enjoy. 🙂


    If Tim Gearty came to my office I would be much less excited.

    mena je twa

    WitchKizzle…or any body else from texas

    I see you got licensed in March 2012 from texas. I am about to send my packet in to texas state board of accountancy after i take the ethics test. Can you tell me how long it took for the Board to get back to you after you submitted your work experience and other forms etc? Also, if i missed this upcoming ceremony when will be the next one? And is the 25 question ethics test staright forward or it has some tricks?

    One more, 8 yrs ago i worked under a CPA for about 16 months, doing compilation and other stuff, will that suffice for the texas 1 year work experience.? Thanks buddy

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    I am so pumped!! He will be here soon. I'm going to try and get a picture with him, but I don't know if he will be up for that.


    If you call and bug them like I did, it might only take like 5 days. 🙂 They are very nice.

    Cut-off date for the June ceremony was March 23rd. You will be invited to the one held in December.

    Ethics test appeared straight-forward. Only one question did I really have any issue with, but I got 100% correct.

    The experience question might need to be directed at the board. Like I said, they were very nice and helpful. I'm confident you would not have much issue getting a direct answer from them. It seems like it might be fine, but I don't know if there is a time limit or something. You would also have to get that CPA to sign off on your experience form.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    He brought cookies instead of coffee…

    I'm OK with this.

    What an experience. He is just as funny in person!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    haha, I'm sorry… I'm laughing outloud because your man-crush is Peter Olinto! 🙂

    FAR - 79 (2x)
    AUD - 81 (expired), 77!
    REG - 74! omg (3x) 87!!!!!!! I'm done! OMG!
    BEC - 81 (4x)


    Can you tell Peter than Tim is terrible at teaching?

    B - (4/2012)
    A - (5/2012)
    R - (1/2012) Done!
    F - (10/2011) Done!


    Please give Tim some credit. I think he is as good as Peter. For some reasons, I just click with Tim's teaching.


    totally jealous…totally! I love him! He was much more exciting than Tim.

    REG-80, 77, 77
    BEC-67, 68, 71, 67, 71, 74, 71, 74, 72, 77
    FAR- 72, 65,67, 53, 75 (truth be known the 53 was with 4 hours of studying)
    AUD-58, 62, 72, 74, 74, 75
    took 5 years but I'm DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    haha @ Veronica!

    I guess he is sort of my man crush! He just cracked me up all the time. I would hear something funny and be like “Sam (my wife) come listen to what Peter said!!”

    Or if Tim came on at the beginning of the first chapter we would both be like “OH NO!!! not TIM” So it was a fun little game we played.

    I do give a lot of credit to Tim. You can tell he is super smart and knows his stuff. He also does a great job of explaining the topics. I think I just like Peter's style better!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Tim should create hypnotherapy apps for those with insomnia. He would have to edit out the “agains”, the “alright scholars” and the “highlight the following” sayings, though.

    Olinto is awesome, though. Did you get a picture with him, Witchkizzle?

    REG - passed (expires 5/13)
    AUD - passed
    FAR - passed
    BEC - passed 4/17



    Tim isn't so bad. He just has to teach the harder topics.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88

    Mrs 300

    Best comment ever by Peter Olinto was when he was teaching straight line depreciation and said to have a sharp object nearby. And if you get a question wrong in the passmaster on straight line depreciation, he wants you to stab yourself in the leg with that object repeatedly. I was laughing so hard while studying and my husband didn't believe that I was watching FAR lectures.

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂


    i woulda asked him to retell the shawn “PUFE” combs story…then afterwards say “shut up stupid, keep teaching!”



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