OT: Job interview advice?

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  • #172764

    Hello all,

    I’m working my way through the exams – I’ve passed REG and BEC, sat for AUD and am studying for FAR right now. But tomorrow I have an interview with a CPA firm in the area.

    I’m in my 30s and this is a bit of a career change for me. I have loads of work experience, but just not direct “accounting” experience. Any advice or ideas of what I might be walking into tomorrow? I’m really good at interviewing – I’m friendly and well-spoken – but any insight on what it’s like to interview for a CPA firm specifically would be appreciated!

    Thanks all and keep studying.

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  • #357594

    Bring a copy of your favorite Excel spreadsheet you have made a flash drive, that never fails to impress.


    You'll do fine if you are prepared and have good answers to the following questions amongst other tough behavioral questions;

    1. Why public accounting? Amongst other things, public accounting involves learning new processes everyday and executing tasks base on what you have learned at a client. Needless to say this isn't your routine 8-5 job. As such, you can stress that this is the challenge of public accounting that you are most excited about.

    2.Why a career change?

    3. Why our firm? Apparently interviewers love to ask why a big 4 and not a small firm, or vice versa. (They both have their advantages).

    4. If asked about yourself, you should stress that you have the right attitude to get the job done ie. whether it involves working long hours. working on a team or being a quick learner.

    You should expect 3 interviews. HR manager, Assurance manager and a Partner… The Audit manager should be the hardest: Technical questions about accounting will be asked by him or her. The partner's interview will be more conversational to see how personable and friendly you are.



    Thanks, backatit. Solid advice.

    Do they also ask questions about weaknesses and strengths? I hate those questions.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012


    You will always get those questions for any job interview I believe.. You can be honest in both cases. However use common sense when talking abt your weaknesses. Google is your friend. Yout strenght should go with having the right attitude. Also, saying you have advanced excel skills is a plus. (listing excel functions is another way to gain their attention; advanced filtering, pivot, vlookup, formulas, conditional formatting, working with huge data dump to quantitfy findings and few other good ones)


    I'm pretty good with all those Excel skills that you listed as I use them at my current job all the time. That's nice to know its considered advanced.

    I actually think you should not be completely honest about your weaknesses. I usually say I'm too generous.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012


    My last two jobs did not ask me about my strengths or weaknesses. It felt more like they were trying to get a feel for what type of person I am. Also decent amount of time was spent on my experience.


    Find out from each person you talk to how long they've been there, ask what industries their clients are involved in, what industries they are looking to get into, and what are some new projects or system implementations the company is working on. If there's some inconsistencies about management's direction from the replies you are getting, you will know who is not in the loop and what the politics in that place are probably like.

    Couldn't pass again!

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