OT: How to explain busy season to non-accountants?

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  • #168584

    Everyone has differing levels of “busy” so I’m not trying to one-up anyone since there are a lot of different factors (work, kids, dating, exercise, etc.). However, those of us in public accounting can probably agree that busy season is a time when we’re most likely overworked, grumpy, budding alcoholics and short on time.

    I’ve been trying to explain this to my roommate. We’re the same age and I admit, she IS busy, there’s a lot going on in her life. Still, how do I convey the life of an accountant and explain why certain things just aren’t a priority for me right now? (Done with studying now but for the first two months, was studying AND going through busy season).

    Thinking of some examples..

    1) You know daylight savings? If I could travel back in time, I would strangle the inventor because “spring forward” cost me an hour of sleep.

    2) Most firms provide a per diem/meal allowance or dinner for employees. This is not because they are generous or like curvy employees. This is because it is NECESSARY to get the work done and not have anyone die of exhaustion, hunger, sue the firm, etc..

    3) I snuck out to be home at this time and wasn’t even the last one leaving the office. In fact, felt slightly guilty for leaving early.

    Passed AUD, BEC & FAR. Lost credit for AUD & BEC once. Finally finished with REG as dessert. 15 times was the charm.

    AUD: 86
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 80
    REG: 76

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  • Author
  • #336551

    Many companies operate on a calendar-year basis, so that means many companies have the same strict reporting deadlines to multiple government agencies, including the feds/IRS, SEC, and state authorities. The prep work for year-end and annual reporting has to be fair and the final numbers must stand up to all kinds of scrutiny. The legal and financial consequences for late or misleading reporting can be pretty severe. While we're not performing brain surgery, you also can't just make up stuff and just hit submit; you have to own your work. Even she owed $0, would she want someone messing around with her finances and her taxes?

    Couldn't pass again!


    Ninja Hiya…


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