OT: How do you Ramen? - Page 4

  • Creator
  • #184523

    So we’ve all been there and some of us, either by choice or survival, may still eat their fair share of Ramen noodles. What I’ve noticed is that everyone seems to cook them up with their own personal style. Myself, I like them with a little bit of Olive oil, some parmesan and Rooster sauce. However, I’m getting a bit bored of this and want to know some other recipe ideas.

    Drop your recipe suggestions here, I’m interested to see what we can come up with.

    "If you're going through hell, keep going"
    - Winston Churchill

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost over 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed, over and over and over again in my life. And that is why, I succeed."
    - Michael Jordan

    BEC: (54), (72), 80 (losing credit on 02/02/15 - nervous)
    AUD: 78
    REG: (74), 91
    FAR: (71)

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  • Author
  • #540049

    Ramen virgin here. I guess I must give it a try.

    BEC: 73, 81
    AUD: 85
    FAR: 71, 77
    REG: 74, 75...finally DONE! πŸ˜€

    *This is my 2nd attempt at the CPA exam. For all of you who have failed this exam many times, given up on it, or taken a break like me, remember that it is still possible to finish what you started...failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently πŸ™‚


    I usually do not like Ramen until I found this great video about how to make traditional Japanese Ramen. It is a healthy and VERY tasty meal. In fact, I am having it for dinner tonight πŸ™‚


    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    β€œIt is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    I usually do not like Ramen until I found this great video about how to make traditional Japanese Ramen. It is a healthy and VERY tasty meal. In fact, I am having it for dinner tonight πŸ™‚


    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    β€œIt is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Forgot to add the fact that it has “rooster sauce” in the pork marinade. I also call it rooster sauce and I thought I was the only one because my friends and family look at me like I'm nuts when I call it that πŸ™‚

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    β€œIt is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Forgot to add the fact that it has “rooster sauce” in the pork marinade. I also call it rooster sauce and I thought I was the only one because my friends and family look at me like I'm nuts when I call it that πŸ™‚

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    β€œIt is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    I still eat Ramen once in a while too! I'm so healthy with mine….just the noodles and butter! But I might try some of these other ways, what great ideas!

    AUD - Passed - 82 (10/1/13), Expires 4/1/2015 (57,62,64)
    BEC - Passed - 77 (7/14/14) (53,67,70,74) Half way to CPA!!!!
    REG - Passed - 81 (8/23/14) (68) 3 down 1 to go!!
    FAR - Passed - 75 (11/11/14) I'm DONE!!!!!

    Illinois Canidate


    I still eat Ramen once in a while too! I'm so healthy with mine….just the noodles and butter! But I might try some of these other ways, what great ideas!

    AUD - Passed - 82 (10/1/13), Expires 4/1/2015 (57,62,64)
    BEC - Passed - 77 (7/14/14) (53,67,70,74) Half way to CPA!!!!
    REG - Passed - 81 (8/23/14) (68) 3 down 1 to go!!
    FAR - Passed - 75 (11/11/14) I'm DONE!!!!!

    Illinois Canidate


    if you haven't had ramen, you haven't struggled in life :p

    I'd just use lots and lots of hot sauce. Valentina or Tapatio bein my favorites lol first year and a half of college practically lived off water, ramen, and the occasional ham sandwich if i was feeling fancy LOL

    Licensed in Arizona


    if you haven't had ramen, you haven't struggled in life :p

    I'd just use lots and lots of hot sauce. Valentina or Tapatio bein my favorites lol first year and a half of college practically lived off water, ramen, and the occasional ham sandwich if i was feeling fancy LOL

    Licensed in Arizona


    Oh man I love to make some Top Ramen and then cook up some fried spam to go in it. It's delicious!


    Oh man I love to make some Top Ramen and then cook up some fried spam to go in it. It's delicious!


    I once tried to cook Ramen in a microwave in the basement of my freshman dorm at 3am after returning from a night of … er … studying.

    Don't remember how it turned out or my recipe for some reason.


    I once tried to cook Ramen in a microwave in the basement of my freshman dorm at 3am after returning from a night of … er … studying.

    Don't remember how it turned out or my recipe for some reason.


    we all call it cock sauce, one less syllable than rooster, i'm all for efficiency!

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    we all call it cock sauce, one less syllable than rooster, i'm all for efficiency!

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75

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