OT: Halloween is in 3 days - Page 2

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  • #181364

    So. I took FAR on Sunday 10/20. This is my last exam so it wasn’t “on to the next one” this time (although it’ll probably be “re-study” starting soon). So for the last week I’ve had a taste of the non-studying life that I once knew (it’s fantastic btw). I pity-partied for about 12 hours post-exam but when Monday night rolled around, I quickly realized I needed something to do to fill my free time. Since Halloween is my favorite holiday, this ensued:

    https://tinyurl.com/n7rgzpg Monster spider!

    It’s weird, the studying ceased but the feeling of NEEDING to be studying or “not wasting ANY time” continued. It was so strange not going home and hitting the books for a few hours. Same with my lunch breaks @ work last week (filled with trips to Home Depot).

    Anyone else doing cool stuff for Halloween? Care to share your story of your first post-CPA project?

    (if anyone is interested in various DIY Halloween projects, this forum is the BOMB! https://www.halloweenforum.com/forum.php)

    REG - 65, 70, 80!
    BEC - 35, 62, 79!
    AUD - 73, 75!
    FAR - 65, 73, 70, 75! DONE.

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  • Author
  • #462702

    I'm trying to keep myself occupied in my post-studying/waiting-to-see-if-I'm-really-post-studying void. I found a great way to spend my time, though, which can be quite as absorbing – house-buying. We're supposed to go apply for the loan today. 🙂 My goal is just to keep myself distracted until Nov 4 (non-NASBA state 🙁 ) when I'll know if I'm really done!!

    However, for work, we are dressing up. 🙂 Our whole office has a theme, and there's a competition Halloween morning with the whole building (I'm in private accounting, so the accounting office is just a small portion of all the employees). Because my boss doesn't want our costume-ideas stolen, we're under strict orders to tell no one what we're dressing up as. 😉 But it should be fun. My outfit just arrived yesterday and my modification plans failed miserably, so I'm hoping that I can do better this evening (post-house-paperwork).

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