OT: Friends - Page 2

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  • #173973

    Anybody ever worry about losing friends over this exam? Mine are understanding so far, but how many times can I turn down an invitation before they quick asking? This is beyond frustrating, especially since not one is remotely related to the business field and can’t relate to how the CPA exams work.

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  • #376555

    @BookWorm, I totally understand your concern about your friends eventually no longer even inviting you to things; if they're good friends, though, they'll continue to understand or will at least try to. I feel like for me this whole experience was kind of a big wake up call with that. I realized that most of my “friendships” were held together purely by my effort and I'm so happy that I realized that because I don't have time for people who expect me to be there but are never there for me. I actually also found out that a good number of my “friends” wanted to see me fail this exam…half of them haven't even congratulated me for passing them all, but they were really curious to know how I did on the exams that I thought I failed. I guess my whole point is, this process might be a great way to weed out the people who don't deserve your time–I'm thankful that I figured it out.

    And plus…you always have everyone on here!!

    F - PASSED (11/26/11)
    A - PASSED (1/14/12)
    B - PASSED (7/14/12)
    R - PASSED (8/31/12)
    Ethics Exam - 95 %

    Just waiting to be able to put those three little letters behind my name...


    For some reason a lot of Kricket's responses sounded like lines from an Eminem song.


    One of my friends is pushing me more than I am pushing myself. She is constantly asking me if I'm studying, when am I scheduling the exam, etc. She doesn't call me everyday anymore because she knows I am studying and doesn't want to distract me. She wants me to get this thing over and done so we can start hanging out again plus she wants to throw a big celebration when I'm done. She told me I'm not only passing these exams for myself but for others as well including herself. The funny thing is I am afraid to tell her if I skipped a day and didn't study and did something fun 🙂

    @bookworm true friends will be there no matter what. I have friends I consider to be like family that I haven't talked to in a while but I know if I picked up the phone today it will be like we never stopped talking.


    Haven't lost any friends, but I think some would have preferred not to talk about my first passing REG score when I passed and excitedly started to tell them. A few are fellow CPA-candidates who have, like me, tried multiple times in the past to pass the exam but to no avail. In our little group, we have all sort of been curious as to who would start passing first. Maybe for a while we thought no one would pass anything ever! So when I finally did, I was all pride and joy and no one shared in on it. No offers to go get a celebratory drink, no let's go out for a yummy dinner, etc. Was it jealous or bitterness, who knows, it doesn't really bother me that much. I just know if I had a good friend and they were in my shoes (and me in the friend shoes), I would be having them out for drinks that day at 5:01 PM!

    REG - 65, 70, 80!
    BEC - 35, 62, 79!
    AUD - 73, 75!
    FAR - 65, 73, 70, 75! DONE.


    I'm lucky to have several friends from school/Becker that are going through the same thing, a best friend who lives 3 minutes away from me, several other friends who encourage me from far away, aaaaaaaand of course, you guys here at Another71. 🙂

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