Optional Breaks?

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  • #2902695
    Future CPA

    At the testing center today I was told that if you take the optional breaks they have to write you up now? That doesn’t seem like it would be right. Not that I would take them but it seems odd they would offer a break if you weren’t supposed to take it.

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  • #2902752

    Did they say write you up or just that they have to document that you took breaks and when? The latter seems totally reasonable.

    Future CPA

    No, they very specifically said they would have to write you up. I wasn’t impressed with the people at the testing center anyway.


    That makes no sense. You are offered breaks by the program both where time continue to keep going and 15 min that do not count against you. Both of them is your right and is mandated as an option. You should have asked what they mean by “write up” being you have a right to take it. Only thing I can see that they have to document it but for sure you can't get in trouble for it


    Write up and document are probably the same to prometric staff.
    I would assume they need to “write up” anything out of the ordinary with any candidate test experience.
    I would not worry too much about it, but I also would not take any breaks except the freebie.


    They “write you up” whenever you in and out of the test room and the time. You are totally allowed to take the optional breaks. I always toke the optional break after 2 MCQ testlets. It's all good. Don't worry about these people. A lot of workers there are probably temps and don't know what they are doing.

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