Never thought I'd do this, but here's my rant…

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  • #173637

    So I am beyond frustrated and I just wanted to vent on here since you guys understand how painful this process is. I just graduated in May and I’m starting at a Big 4 in October. Over the last 2 years I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about taking the exam while working full-time. So, my original plan was to sacrifice the summer and take all 4 parts. I got FAR and AUD out of the way but failed BEC by 1 point. It was my own fault since I decided to slack off. After that, I had an immense fear of failing REG on the 31st so I decided to push it back. My plan turned into taking REG and BEC in October. Well, since I came up with that oh so genius plan, I’ve slacked off because, in my head, I had all the time in the world. I just read about how they extended the testing window and I think something in me snapped. Once again, I have no one to blame but myself. Had I stuck to studying I would be more than prepared to take REG on the available date of Sept. 8th and I could have had another one out of the way before work. I’ve read plenty of rants on here and I always thought, “People need to chill out, it’s just a test… just study and you’ll get through it.” BUT I finally see what you all are talking about. Hate isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel at the moment. All I can think is F U world, F U CPA exam.. the list goes on and on. All I can think is I should be DONE with this crap. I put in my 4 years and I worked damn hard. There should be no more tests, no more crying, no more stress (at least not until work starts). But no, I graduated just to do it all over again and waste away my last real summer while everyone I know is talking about about how this was the best summer of their lives. I was totally fine with my decision until, like I said, something in me snapped today. Overall, I know it’s not a waste and this will be worth it in the long-run. And I know I have it really easy compared to others taking the exam who have much more on their plate. I’m not trying to compare and I’m not looking for sympathy. Like I said, it’s just a rant. I applaud those of you who were/are able to keep a level head throughout the process. It sucks and I pray I’m done with it by October. Sorry for the novel but typing it out definitely helped with the anger. If nothing else, maybe you guys can get a laugh out of how stupid I am. Oh well, happy studying!

    FAR 7/5/12 83
    AUD 7/20/12 86
    BEC 8/6/12 74; retake 11/20/12 76
    REG 11/5/12 74; retake 1/3/13 77! DONE! 🙂

    Used Becker Self-Study

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  • #365229

    Think of the bright side, you have 2 passed, and almost a third.

    I planned on having AUD and BEC done by work (also graduated in May and start with a mid size firm in NYC in October)

    I have nothing to show for my loss of a summer. 70 on AUD that I retake and hope to pass a week before work starts and BEC I technically havent failed yet bc the score isnt out but I know its not going to be pleasant to look at my online score next weekend.

    Id love to trade places with you.

    Be content.

    You have me beat 2 – 0.

    I dont even know what the feeling is like to pass a section, I would love to have that feeling.

    but yea F the exam all the way to hell


    From the looks of your FAR and AUD score you're a decent test-taker.

    So i'm just wondering what you're degree of slacking off for BEC is. Because if you slacked off completely (hardly doing any of the hw questions, not rereading the book etc.) and you got a 74 then it seems like you have a pretty good chance of passing BEC your second time with just a little more effort.

    But again, slacking off is subjective…. some people may feel like they slacked off but studied a lot harder than other people.

    And for REG, don't stress too much about it. I also gave-up my summer studying for this damn exam. And I def feel like i'm about to go crazy!

    FAR - 7/19/2012 - 95
    REG - 8/2/2012 - 91
    AUD - 8/15/2012 - 97
    BEC - 8/31/2012 - 90


    @DavidB I'm really sorry about AUD. This whole exam is rough and I wish you the best of luck on your retake and your other exams. Do the opposite of me and try to be positive! At the very least, studying for AUD and BEC (if you don't pass it, but I hope you do) should build a solid foundation for you the next time around. That's what I keep trying to tell myself for BEC. Still though, I'm going to study like I've never seen it before. The day you see a passing score will be awesome. I'm rooting for you!

    @Kcoolby I think I am a decent test-taker so at least I have that working to my advantage for the next 2. When I say slacked off, I mean slacked off. I watched all the lectures but I only did hw for 3 out of the 6 chapters and read 2 of them. I'm honestly surprised that I got as close as I did. So I do think I should be fine for BEC next time around if I really put in the effort (here's hoping). It's REG that I'm worried about. Taxes aren't really my thing and the posts on this forum have scared me half to death. Although I had the same feeling going into FAR because of this forum and I walked out thinking it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Still, the fear keeps taking over. It looks like you have found a study plan that really works for you so I'm sure you did/will do well on the last 2. Props to you for doing it all in one window. I shall live vicariously through you!

    FAR 7/5/12 83
    AUD 7/20/12 86
    BEC 8/6/12 74; retake 11/20/12 76
    REG 11/5/12 74; retake 1/3/13 77! DONE! 🙂

    Used Becker Self-Study



    1. No one knew the window would get extended for a hurricane, so stop beating yourself up.

    2. Beating yourself up is normal.

    3. Getting frustrated is PERFECTLY understandable.

    4. Make a plan and stick with it. If you have no kids and no spouse, it should be relatively easy to maintain your daily or weekly goals. If you have a spouse and kids and a job, then, well, welcome aboard! This has been a slow train ride through hell for me and it ain't over yet!

    5. Your scores are very good so you can do this even with a full time job.

    Good Luck!



    This forum has a HUGE tendency to over-exagerate things…. at least thats what I feel like. It does offer a lot of helpful tips and advice…. but I also think the results on this forum are skewed. People tend to post on this forum when they have bad results compared to good results. It's just the general rule for pretty much everything (As we've both learned in audit).

    I got super nervous for both FAR and REG just because of what people were saying. I ended up doing great on both exams. Like I said earlier, a lot of what people say on here are very subjective…..

    REG felt worst than FAR for me because i wasn't too big on tax stuff either. The best advice I can say for reg is absolutely master the tax stuff. It's worth 80% of the exam….. the business law, while still important, is easier to grasp (generally). if it makes you feel better, tax is only half of the Becker course while the other half is law.

    But you gave me hope for tomorrow if you did that little and managed a 74 on BEC. I've gone through BEC questions once (but I did it for all other 3 sections only once too). And reread the book twice within the past 2 weeks so i'm going into the exam with more confidence thanks to you 🙂

    FAR - 7/19/2012 - 95
    REG - 8/2/2012 - 91
    AUD - 8/15/2012 - 97
    BEC - 8/31/2012 - 90


    @Kricket I'm honored that you responded to my post! Haha. I don't post every often but I'm so addicted to this site that I've read enough to know that you're an inspiration to many, myself included. You deserve a lot of credit for tackling these exams in addition to a family, full-time job and who knows what else. I hope that this ride through hell is over very soon for you! I'm just a simple 21 year old recent graduate so thankfully I don't have many distractions. And you're right. I simply need to stick to a plan. That's my real problem, honestly. I'm hopeful that I'll pass even while working, it was just the one thing I was trying to avoid. Ah well, that's life. It doesn't always work in your favor. Btw, I've also crept enough to know you're from LA. I'm not sure where exactly but I hope you're not getting hit too hard. Be safe. And enjoy kicking BEC's butt when you take it!

    @Kcoolby You're right, there's definitely a lot of exaggeration on here haha. And it is subjective so I try not to get too wrapped up in it but it's tough. If your method had worked this well for you then I'm positive you'll dominate BEC. Glad I could give you a confidence boost! And you did the same for me for REG so thank you for that!

    FAR 7/5/12 83
    AUD 7/20/12 86
    BEC 8/6/12 74; retake 11/20/12 76
    REG 11/5/12 74; retake 1/3/13 77! DONE! 🙂

    Used Becker Self-Study


    @goodbye, I was just thinking the same thing this morning…I have slacked off studying REG because I couldn't schedule till October, so I just thought man, if I had worked harder and gotten through all the sections already I could've tried to take it in Sept! That would have been amazing. 🙁 Congrats on being halfway done, you will do fine I'm sure, even if you have to study/work simultaneously. Good luck!

    AUD 85 (2/12) Using Becker
    FAR 81 (5/12)
    BEC 79 (7/13)
    REG 85 (10/1)

    "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."


    Wow, better calm down before someone calls the hyperbole police and they haul you off to exaggerationtraz…


    What did you waste again? A summer! 😀

    LOL big deal. People waste their lives on a daily basis.

    And then it's not a waste either because you're halfway there.


    Not shabby that you've got 2 done before starting work. Actually depending on how early in Oct you take Reg you may have 3 down, and one to go.

    Working while doing this isn't so bad and you won't have to do it for very long.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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