Negotiate senior associate at big4

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  • #2929434

    How do I negotiate at big 4 for senior associate role as experienced hire? 0 YOE, but I’m smart so let’s consider it same as 3 years exp.

    I want:
    -more time to consider; how long can I get? 1 week? 2 weeks? months?
    -more comp; when do I negotiate this? during verbal offer on call, or after asking them to email me the offer details first?

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  • #2929485



    i tell my boss once a week to give me a raise because i am smart. he walks away every time


    That was bad wording on my part… But seriously, advice on negotiating it? How much room do I live?

    NYC location


    You have zero chance at getting a senior associate role with zero prior work experience. Even if you were a senior associate at a smaller firm they would still only hiring you as an experienced staff/associate. Can’t fault you for dreaming big but realistic in life!


    @Bigstakk, Big 4 does hire Seniors with no (relevant) experience if they have advanced degrees (MBA, PhD, occasionally others).

    However, this post makes no sense and reads as trolling to me, incomprehensible English and all.


    I have zero direct experience but I'm a career changer so I have past (not related to the role) experience


    Well, that is totally different, then. Not sure why you felt the need to be so trollish by saying being “smart” is equivalent to 3 years of experience.

    Anyway, the verbal offer is never a time to negotiate. Wait until you have your written offer in hand, and then negotiate. They will not give you long to decide, I expect 2 weeks max. At the Senior 1 level, there are usually plenty of other good candidates that there isn't much room to neogtiate or stretch out the process. There also isn't much room to negotiate at salaries below ~80k.


    Sorry for the wording. By smart I meant to say have potential to grow and think I'm competitive with people with say 2-3 years exp.

    Thanks for the answer. I'll push for two weeks to decide and will wait on comp until written offer.



    Got the offer. It's associate level instead of senior due to lack of experience 🤔 I told them I'll think on it


    If you're keen to learn and want the Big 4 experience, I would take it regardless. Ask what year you'll be brought in as. The cream pretty clearly rises to the top at ranks below Manager (or even below SM), so you will be recognized as a high performer and brought up the ranks quickly if you do a good job and tough it out.


    Senior or not depends on if you can lead on project. Do you know what is the right support to ask? can you do walkthroughs and know what the client is talking about? can you manage any project throughout the project life cycle and know what to do when the time comes? If any of the above is a “no”, you are not READY to be a senior. Because the staff level will look up to you for an answer. What are you going to do then? Also, if you don't have experience in the related field, you are not “experienced” in that field, so you won't know much about the field. Anyone in big 4 is smart and has a ton of potential and is eager to learn. Everyone is high achiever. I guess that's why all the folks were laughing cause you clearly didn't do much homework before you posted the question here.

    I would say, when the offer is given, ask for a higher pay. Mostly likely its a no, but doesn't hurt to try, right?


    2nd on Puppykoala's comment – “I would say, when the offer is given, ask for a higher pay. Mostly likely its a no, but doesn't hurt to try, right?”

    I noticed some people still get weird about this, but while I understand it can be uncomfortable/awkward to ask for more money for some people (including myself), it REALLY doesn't hurt to try as long as you are being reasonable. People say 5-10% of initial offer is typically reasonable and I tend to agree with them.

    Personally, I've asked for 10% more from my initial offer on the current position I hold and ended up settling around 7% more. There was another time I got a 8.5% raise and asked for 1.5% more and it was given to me. I've also been told NO a couple times as well, but life went on and so did myself.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
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    As a controller of a small public company, I’ve dealt with auditors and done audit preparation for over 15 years. Please just go ahead and learn the ropes. It’s very frustrating for the client to deal with an audit senior who is “smart” but doesn’t know basic accounting or real life business practices. I’ve had PWC and KPMG seniors ask me the most basic accounting questions.🙄 There’s a difference between achievement in the academic realm and experience on the hoof.


    @Texgurl's opinion is so relevant, and that's exactly what I meant by “being ready”. The one thing you don't want the client to think is that “these damn auditors are so dumb”. That's basically a reputation killer. As a senior, it is extremely important to ask the right questions. If you come up with a “expense is a liability right?” then you are forever frowned up by that client loll.

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