My in-charge is a you know what!

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  • #2037020

    I’ve been with this firm for about a year and I can absolutely say that I do not mind the work, but I hate my in-charge.

    He is very condescending and makes me feel like an idiot everyday. The other day while driving to work I was having chest pain anxiety attacks.

    Every time I hear him, he is always sighing and cursing under his breath about my documentation.

    I am about to quit, because I hate being treated like I don’t know anything .

    I do not have any jobs lined up, but this work environment is definitely not worth the physical and mental stress.

    Sorry…Just ranting. I was about to walk out on this in-charge, because I couldn’t take him anymore.

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  • #2037095
    SOX with sandals

    Hey Julz, I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I wouldn’t let one individual ruin your career or create gaps in your resume. That will cause you even more stress. The best thing you can do is have a frank conversation with your supervising partner. If after this busy season things don’t improve, look elsewhere. I have felt like I’ve been on the same receiving end of such behavior at times. I can assure you that it’s nothing personal, as all in-charges get frustrated with new staff as they learn. Over time you’ll get accustomed to their expectations and firm procedures and improve your documentation. Hang in there!

    Mike J

    I would be VERY careful about what you tell partners or HR.

    You will be labeled as not a team player. It's a tough spot. Believe me I've been there. This person obviously made inroads at the firm where you have not.

    Best thing is to find a confidant outside of the company. Join a professional org and seek a mentor. Obviously, don't use specific names. Or, write a private journal or come on here as you've done.


    I just don't think staying at the same position and working for this kind of supervisor worth your time. Maybe you are learning a lot from work or from this person, but i feel like the way he made you doubt yourself and the way he treated you is completely disrespectful and if it even caused you chest pain or stress, you should start looking for a new job or just quit and look for a new job. For me, the right boss will make work and life way easier. But this is just my own experience, I just quit from my previous job. My old boss treated us like we know nothing. I am so happy that I left that position! I hope you can figure out your next step no matter staying or leaving and good luck 🙂


    I was in a kind of similar situation, i didnt hate hate my manager but he would come and give me these looooong ass lectures about life and how i need to do this and that, it was very annoying. work wasnt satisfying (i did reviews most of the time when i really wanted to learn audit), he'd give me tax work even though we had tax associates doing noting all day.. anyway, i interviewed with another, bigger firm and got hired during the interview, accepted the offer and been pretty happy there for about 5 months now… I'd look for other places if its that bad and just leave, i dont know if its worth of talking to higher ups cuz it'll create tension in the firm depending how big it is.


    Thank you so much for the advice!

    My in-charge has been talked to before about how he treats the staff, but he hasn’t changed at all.

    From what I heard he isn’t liked at all in the office by the other staff, but not too sure with the higher ups. My other co-worker tells me that it should be better at the next client site since he will not be my in-charge anymore, but I told her he just ruined it for me.

    I really don’t want to quit, but it’s definitely best for my physical and mental health. I do have an interview coming up and I’m hoping that I can land the job. If not, I’m willing to take part-time Jobs while job searching because this job is not worth the stress.


    @Julz – I had a very similar situation and quit because it gave me illusion I was going to be fired–despite my direct supervisor telling me I wouldn't–and I did not want that on my resume. I regretted that decision because I was job hunting for months and it ate into my savings. PT work is okay to get you through job hunting. Find something first, then quit. Suck it up in the meantime. Good luck.


    @El Thank you! I do have a job interview lined up and I am hoping I can land the job.

    I’m going to try my best to suck it up for the meantime, but I do want to leave before he rolls on to the engagement that I’ll be on. Not too sure if I can handle being belittled everyday.


    It's almost never worth quitting a job before you have another full-time job lined up. I would highly advise against quitting.


    I agree with @Tim, don't hurt your career over this person's negative energy. You have the interview lined up, if it doesn't work out send your resume to as many jobs as possible and make it your mission to find a new job. As soon as you have a new job that'swhen you should quit this one.


    This is a tough situation, I was actually in a similar one. I was at a firm and a Senior associate I always got put on audits with was so rude, he was literally a bully. I remember times when he would say my work was “so f*cking stupid” and would yell and insult me all of the time. He even once told me he could steal my wife from me if he wanted to, he just didn't have any interest in her. I wanted to tell the partners about him but they all thought he was this great and kind person, cause he was a huge butt-kisser to anyone above him, but to anyone below him he was a jerk too. He was also very smart and worked crazy hours so he was very valuable to them increasing their bias. I actually was going to look elsewhere and ended up being fired, but it couldn't have been better cause I found a better job with higher pay and better benefits in an area where the cost of living was way less. I know others say don't ruin your career aspirations, and that's true, don't let this one jerk ruin this for you, but I guarantee you you can find the same position where nobody is that inappropriately rude. It really isn't worth working with/for a bully like that, so my personal suggestion is to look elsewhere, but definitely be hesitant quitting on the spot since then you won't be eligible for any unemployment compensation and that could be difficult if you have any trouble finding a new job,

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