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  • #1701459

    So, I’ve been on the CPA journey for going on 9 years on and off. Half study, fail, wallow. Repeat. I have tons of motivation to study until it actually comes time to study and then I get home only realize that I forgot to paint the house, build a rocket ship, perform open heart surgery, etc. I recently switched jobs into one that is a solid 40 hours a week as opposed to my previous 65-80 with frequent international/domestic travel. Now, I have all the time in the world and still can’t put my mind to it. I’m definitely a person that loves/need deadlines. With the CPA, it’s not required for my job (but certainly wouldn’t hurt to be able to move up in the company) and my husband and dogs love me regardless. Of course I want it (and I’m sure the first thing you think is “not bad enough”). I guess I just need advice. How does one build the initial motivation and stick with it? Any and all advice is much appreciated.

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  • #1701489

    Well if a deadline is what you need, I'd suggest applying and getting a NTS. That will at least give you a 3-12 month window depending on the state. Do you have new/up to date study materials? Dishing out some $ for that might help get you in the groove too, as well as giving you a program to follow. 🙂


    Watch this 10 times a day…

    Then do the required studying.

    You could even skip the video and just do the studying. You will or you won't. If you don't want to put in the work, stop wasting your time thinking about it. Do or do not. There is no try. You're first or you're last. Insert a movie line here_______.


    Kaizen my friend. Kaizen. Set a goal of 1 min. Per day to study. 1 min is all u need baby. Btw is there a a course for people to study and pass the cpa? Like college ya know? A bunch of students in the semester to pass 2 sections or sum chit like dat? I think that'll be a great idea. I think some master college courses help students pass the CPA instead of self-studyin' while workin'.


    Apply, pay for a section, get an NTS and schedule your test-if that doesn't give you motivation, nothing will:)


    Thanks everyone. After watching the Karate Kid (thanks aaronmo), I purchased my NTS and am planning to work towards a March 10th REG date. My new company doesn't assist with anything monetarily, so hopefully after being out $270, this will finally motivate me. I think just saying this out loud helped me tremendously. Thanks again!

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