Louisiana Board of CPAs complaint

  • Creator
  • #3029565

    So this is a first for me. Just got a call from New Orleans, LA. (Really expected it to be a spam call, was shocked when someone was actually there.)
    Apparently a woman is attempting to file a complaint on a CPA in LA with a similar name to mine, which she apparently confused for me.
    Guy from the board called to ask if I was indeed in NY, and figured out I was not the one she really wanted to file a complaint on.
    I asked how he got my contact info and he said your website. (Website works I guess.)

    Super nice guy, good conversation overall.
    He just confirmed I am in NY and work in NY, and that was the end of it, as the CPA in question works in Louisiana.
    Very pleasant experience, or as pleasant as a potential complaint call can be.
    Seems to be a good bunch down there in the south.

    Life lesson… Keeps your noses clean boys and girls. The board is always watching.

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  • Author
  • #3029577

    I can't find anyone in the state with a name even close to mine on CPA Verify, so I'm sort of wondering about the lady filing the complaint. I've seen my fair share of bad CPAs, and bad clients so hard to say.
    Just glad it's not my problem.


    I have a complaint against the Louisiana Board, they won't return my e-mail about extending my credit for my expiring exam since I had 4 test appointments canceled during April and May.


    Wow, that is truly something else. Even more odd, that you were unable to find the name of the CPA that could have been mistake for your name. As you said, thankfully, that is not your problem. Imagine just ignoring the phone call thinking it was just spam?

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