Just left Prometrics – FAR Test Experience

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    Just left Prometrics for my FAR retake. I feel absolutely defeated lol ;( . The MCQs surprisingly weren’t that bad and Im pretty sure I got the harder 2nd testlet. I only marked like 3-5 per MCQ testlet. Now for the bad news, the SIMS were absolutely brutal. The other 3 exams don’t even compare in SIM difficulty in my opinion. I guess I was just underprepared somehow, been studying for FAR for like 3-4 months now. The topics were completely random and out of left field it felt like compared to becker topics. I don’t want to divulge test info but besides the research question I guessed on maybe half the sims. Hoping and praying for a pass 12/19 somehow. Thanks and good luck everybody!

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  • #2836689

    Good luck David!

    I failed FAR my first attempt, thought I failed on my second attempt. Felt good on MCQ and had same experience as you on sims, was guessing anywhere between 60 and 74 for my score and somehow squeezed out a 78. Rooting for you!


    Thank you so much! I truly appreciate the support, good luck to you as well.


    I just had the same experience. Those sims were RIDICULOUS.


    I took it today too… literally same feeling. I’m hoping for partial credit and tried to get points on the sims where I could. Good luck!!!

    BEC- 5/28/2016
    AUD- 7/30/2016
    REG- 5/7/2016
    FAR- 68, rematch 4/2/2016


    I left FAR feeling like the MCQ went OK and the sims were a disaster. I had no idea I needed to be prepared to do all these journal entries. I was literally guessing on nearly every single input on the sims. And passed with a 76. So stay positive!

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    I took FAR on 12/6/19. I honestly felt the same way as if the multiple choice questions were actually pretty easy for the most part, with a couple of questions that I could narrow down to at least a 50/50 shot. This was the complete opposite with the other 3 exams I had taken. However, the simulations were absolutely horrible. I feel as if I had more time to go through and read all the exhibits I would have been fine, but when I tried to do this on the first couple I wasted my time because I ended up guessing on half of them anyways. Also, I was very frustrated when I got to the last set of sims and they were actually easier but I only had around 30 minutes to complete them. So, I had to go fast and try to get points anywhere necessary. Oh well, hoping for a 75 on the 19th to be done and be a CPA!


    I took FAR yesterday as well, I think we had the same test! I definitely got a harder 2nd MCQ testlet, which makes me feel a bit better. But those SIMS! I think you're right, the SIMS on the other exams don't even compare to FAR. I feel like I guessed on so much. But I guess we just have to hope for the best come 12/19. I wouldn't be surprised to see that I have to retake in 2020 though 🙁

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Same exact experience as everyone above. I took FAR on 12/4/19. I felt that the first testlet of MC were straight forward and easily doable. The second testlet was much harder, I flagged around 6-8 questions that could go either way. I had about 2:10 mins for the SIMS, which was in no way enough time. Sims were long multiple attachment type sims. I almost got the research sim wrong until I went back and did a another search and got that right. I had about 30 mins left for the last 3 sims. Put 0's in for the last sim and am hoping I get some credit towards them. The FAR has been my kryptonite as I got back to back 74's in the past 3 Q's. Fingers crossed as this is my last exam. If I fail I lose BEC and would be back to 2. Best of Luck to everyone taking the FAR exam.


    It’s reassuring in a way knowing others experienced the same thing I did with their FAR exam. Thanks for the positivity and support, good luck to us all on score release day. 🙂

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