Job starting next month

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  • #2610060

    Hi all, I have a couple questions. I’m starting at a regional firm next month. I accepted the offer over a year ago with a different recruiter who said every year she looks at our salaries and may make an upward adjustment. However, this recruiter left the firm and I haven’t heard from the new recruiter yet. Should I even ask about this adjustment or just let it be?

    Also, I just passed all four of the exams. Should I tell them that I did before I start?


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  • #2610936

    Adjusting the starting salary is not commonplace from what I have ever seen or heard. It is more than likely that all your peers will be starting at the same as what you were offered. Are you seriously below market for your area?
    If your firm offers a bonus for the exams you might want to reach out to the recruiter to find out what you need to bring with you to submit in regards to passing the exam. That way it is at least on their radar that you passed.


    I am in a somewhat similar boat. I would reach out to the new recruiter and at least touch base. Tell them happy holidays and let them know about your exam progress. I wouldn’t ask them about the salary adjustment since you don’t seem comfortable with them.


    As someone who hires people in our CPA firm, I urge you to not ask about the adjustment. This reeks of unprofessionalism. You accepted an offer for a certain amount. Why should they raise it? If you are not happy with the salary then you A) shouldn't have accepted the offer or B) need to consider withdrawing after reconsideration.

    I would however tell the recruiter about you passing the exam as this does now change your worth and let them make the calculation as to whether to bring that to the firm on their own. Recruiters are paid on commission of your starting salary. Usually like 10% of your base. So if they feel there is a high chance of success in bringing this to the firm then they will initiate that.


    I strongly disagree with Charlesrskinner. You aren't going to get anything if you don't ask. It's your livelihood. Even if you get an upward adjustment, it's not coming out of the recruiter's pockets. You have no reason to feel guilty or anything over asking. If they don't get you what you want, you either say “ok, I am still willing to work under these conditions”, or you look for other options. What have you got to lose?

    p.s. I completely understand how uncomfortable it is to ask for more money for most of us. I actually recently had a talk w/ our HR manager how negotiating your salary doesn't get easier even after doing it multiple times.

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