Is it tough out there?

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  • #179613

    Hey There

    I would like to know is it tough to get an accounting job out there? Also, I would like to know where are you looking for jobs?

    Advice greatly appreciated!!

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  • #431433

    Depends on where you are…but in general, getting a job right now is difficult regardless of the profession or locality. My impression, though, is that accounting is not particularly harder than any other field. How's that for an unclear answer? 😉


    Yes it's tough but not impossible if you're aggressively getting out resumes. I've got a “good” job but looking for a stretch job (controller or CFO). I'm getting out 20 resumes a week and getting 1-3 interviews a week since May. Got a callback this Friday for a controller position that I'm confident will finally result in an offer.

    But I've been (a) going for jobs slightly above my experience (I'm an accounting manager) and (b) pounding the pavement hard.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    It must be sporadic because the firm that owns the building I office out of took months to find an audit manager.

    Of course – no one wants to live in Podunk – so there's that as well.


    @mla1169 Dang you've definitely been pounding the pavement! Congrats on getting so many interviews! And hope the controller position works out. 🙂 Out of curiosity, if I remember right, you're working right now, too? How do you swing the interviews without your employer thinking you're gone a lot? Might have some good tips for people trying to pull off one or two. 😉


    Well I work 7:30-4:30 or 5.

    Many prospective employers understand and if I tell them I can't interview before 5:30 pm, most will accommodate. I've only had a handful that said that wouldn't work for them. If they say “can you come in at 2” I reply with “I hope you understand my current job is my first priority and I need to be there all day”. The bonus is that it shows that your prioritize your work. (well, save for that desperately looking to get out of there issue). None have been so bothered that they wouldn't work with me or negotiate, you don't have to take the first time they offer!

    A few have been in the same town as I currently work and I always schedule those between 11:30 and 1pm so it just looks like I went to lunch and took my time. I generally only take lunch one day a week anyway and even when I DON'T have an interview I try to make it just over an hour so there is a pattern set.

    Fortunately I have 2 kids, so I can always say I have to take a kid to the dentist, etc. (I schedule my kids cleanings on Saturdays anyway so I don't have to take time off for them but they're a handy excuse).

    Plus its just about the ONLY time I use vacation time. For example tomorrow I have that 2nd interview at 2pm. I am taking the whole day off and hanging out with my daughter, probably some back to school shopping and a nice lunch. Then I'll go do my interview. If I get a couple of bites in the same week I'll tell them I'm only available on Tuesday and get 2 or more interviews scheduled in the same day.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Thanks…definitely have some good ideas! 🙂 I've never been in the situation that I've had to ask for after-hours interviews, so had no clue if that was common practice or accepted. (Previous to this job, all of my jobs have been part-time – even this one, we're off one day a week except during tax season, so I could work around this schedule more easily.) Good to have some tips for whenever I may need them!

    And good luck tomorrow! Hopefully your relaxing day with your daughter will be good mental preparation for the interview!

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