Have you/would you ever wait to see your score result until a later date?

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  • #173153

    I will be taking 3 exams in the last window. Part of me wants to wait until my last score release to see them all. For me it might help me focus on each assuming I passed the others and not get caught up in failing. I cant retake any in the window period anyways, so why stress. Just throwing this out there. When I get to the point I may give in and check. Thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else thought of this before.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend full of successful studying! 🙂

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%

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  • #361731

    My good friend did this and passed one failed one. i personally could not. there is no way i could focus with that hanging over my head. I would want to make adjustments if I did fail.

    Reg: 84
    Aud: 84
    Far: 81
    Bec: 83

    No more long nights...well due to studying for this test...


    First of all I want to know how you are managing to take 3 exams in 1 window!?!?!? Are you studying full time? I don't think I could do the sustained amount of studying it takes to do that. Which is self-evident in the amount of time it has taken me to get this close to being done!

    Anyhow, if I were in your situation I would definitely wait until I took all 3 exams to check my score. As you said you can't re-take in that window, so why disturb your study plan if you find out you didn't pass an exam. I know I would be completely de-railed if I knew I didn't pass the previous exam, but that's just me. Others would take that as motivation to study harder. Either way, you know what works best for you.

    Good luck to you!



    Haha! No I work fulltime at a CPA firm. Plan is re-take FAR if I fail in August or take Audit first week in Oct. Then BEC first week of Nov and REG last day of November. REG I can “cram” for as I do that stuff everyday! I have given myself the most time for FAR(8 weeks). Its risky not puting much time into BEC as I havent taken that exam in 2 years, but a risk I am willing to take right now. I am in CA and need to hurry up before law changes 12/31/13. So its time to step up. I study 20hrs/week using Jeff's ELL plan.


    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    Job in Public Accounting + 3 Exams in 1 Section = Masochist

    Part of the reason it's take me son long to pass these exams is that I just couldn't get it done while I was in public accounting. Now that I'm back in industry, you can see from my signature I've made progress.

    I was in audit though, so FAR wasn't so bad and AUD was the easiest for me. However, REG is my BEAST. I wish I could absorb your tax knowledge in my brain. I'm in CA too, San Francisco, where are you?f

    Anyhow, I am seriously impressed at your exam plan/study schedule! You can do it!

    Just PlainPA

    I did, at least I tried. In April of '05 I took the AUD portion of the CPA exam and walked out feeling rather confident. I got my results around early July of that year. I wanted to wait until I took all the exams before I opened my scores to keep my motivation going (I took AUD & BEC in the 2nd qtr of '05 and FAR and REG in the 3rd qtr). A lot of people asked why didn't I open my AUD score envelope, and I told them why. Well, after about the umpteenth “request” to see my score (about late July), I opened the envelope and saw that I got a 74 in AUD. That killed my enthusiasm for further studying FAR and REG. I halfheartedly took the FAR and REG portion in August of '05 and I don't even remember what my scores were in either.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - ?? 10/1/15 (Tentative)
    REG - ?? 11/?/15
    FAR - ?? Winter 2016



    I actually work for a small firm and my boss lets me takes days off, it is kinda slower around here than it can get at other firms for the Sept/Oct deadlines.

    I'm in the Central Valley. Thank! I need all the encouragement I can get. I am much more motivated now than in the past.

    @Just PlainPA

    I just want to get caught up in a failing score until I am ready to tackle that test again if I have to.

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    Haha I see your logic but there's no way on Earth I could do it. Just knowing it's sitting in my inbox waiting to be opened would just make me tear my hair out. I remember during the wait for either AUD or BEC, I was in class and had to give a presentation, but I got an e-mail notification that my score was in my inbox, but the stupid attachment wouldn't open!!! Needless to say, I left class (to my group members' chagrin) to go check my score on the school computers! But don't worry, I made it back in time for my group presentation 🙂

    I specifically remember when I was waiting for REG, it was in the summer (June) and I was teaching a Summer School Intro to Financial Accounting Course 5 days a week for like 3 hours a day. The week of score release, I remember being in the middle of a lecture and feeling my phone vibrate, I completely lost track of what I was saying, saw it was the score release, and ran over to the computer next to me to pull up my e-mail. Once I saw I passed I let out a very MANLY battle cry and ran down the front row of students making them give me high-fives. Once I explained that it was my last section of the CPA, they were happy for me but they totally thought I had lost my mind. Let's just say I got some very interesting evaluations! hahaha


    I'm taking three this window and I couldn't have waited the extra two weeks to look at all my scores at once. I got lucky in that I passed the two that I took during the first release window, so I don't have a failure looming over my head as I sit for BEC on Monday. It's also a bit of a confidence booster knowing that you have already passed three too. Ultimately, it just depends on what is going to be the bigger distraction for you, having a failing score (maybe) or not knowing your scores at all.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90


    I did that for AUD, waited almost 3.5 months before I checked it. I planned to check them all together, but my bf broke up with me and I was miserable. I figured, I couldn't be anymore sad so might as well see the score, and AHH I passed. Best way to get over a breakup:)


    I did that for AUD, waited almost 3.5 months before I checked it. I planned to check them all together, but my bf broke up with me and I was miserable. I figured, I couldn't be anymore sad so might as well see the score, and AHH I passed. Best way to get over a breakup:)



    Sorry about that breakup but happy you passed! I will definately check my FAR score from my exam later this month, because that will determine if I take AUD or FAR again. But I really want to wait for the others! I may not have eniugh patience. But it is good to hear others have done it before, also.

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%

    Mrs 300

    I know people who waited until they received all of their PAPER scores to check! Now that is some serious self control! I always told myself that I'm going to wait until “x” date and I could never hold off.

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂


    This last score release, I took the exam on the day of the score release. I didn't look at it until I was done with the test, but that was a half of day of waiting, however my next test will be about 4-5 after the score release and I plan on trying to wait until after I take my next part before I look at my score. Bc either way it can negatively effect you if the release of the score is near your test date. Obviously if you fail then you will depress and it can hurt your motivation, however if you pass it could, not saying it will, but could make you not concentrate as much while studying because you are thinking about passing and life after the CPA exam….Even if it is your first one, its hard not to thank about it. Good luck with 3 sections in one window….I am doing it this window and it is a lot of studying (FYI I am working full time in public accounting where a 40 hour work week is unacceptable). So the studying can be done but you better have a lot of determination. Well back to studying now…

    FAR - Attempt 1-(70)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    AUD- Attempt 1-Passed!!!!!!!!! )-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    REG-Attempt 1-(73)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.
    BEC-Attempt 1-(71)...Attempt 2 (Passed Baby)-Praise the Lord-Couldn't have done it without him.

    ****What is one Golden Rule for Passing the Exam? 1) Read the question properly. and 2) Leave yourself enough time to answer all of the....
    ****Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They makes mistakes, but they don't quit.
    ****Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.


    Honestly, I can't imagine the willpower required to not check your score when you know it's out there. In my case, I wanted to finish from the exams as soon as possible but at the same time didn't want the tension associated with waiting for one exam result while preparing for the next one. I then came up with this crazy idea “why not take all four parts within one score release window?” so I registered for all four parts in ten days period. I liked the idea of getting four passes at once at the earliest possible time… That didn't happen. I did pass, but my results came fairly late (international candidate in a non-NASBA state) and didn't get my FAR score (but I did see three passes at once). At that time I wanted to see the result at the earliest possible time even if it meant that I have failed and needed to restudy FAR all over again! The final exam result eventually showed up (two weeks after the scheduled score date) and after clicking F5 for 1,684,354.287 times (rough estimate 🙂 )

    REG: 80 (02/02/2012)
    FAR: 91 (02/06/2012)
    AUD: 89 (02/09/2012)
    BEC: 79 (02/12/2012)

    Ethics: 90 (02/11/2012)



    If you can do this while working more hours than I do, I think I have a chance at it! Your points are exactly what I am considering. It would be such a relief to see a passing score, but I may still have a lot more exams to go. And if I study for them all the same amount of time and materials, etc. there shouldn't be a big diference between the scores(other than the whoel 50% passing rate thing…) My scores in past were pretty right on with my preparation for each.


    WOW. Is all I can say. that is amazing you passed them all so fast. Congrats!

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%

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