“Becca, hang that CPA license once you get it! That's awesome. Why should we have to sacrifice our prde to protect the feelings of others? As long as you don't go around to other people's desks saying things like “see my CPA license, where's yours?” and being completely obnoxious, there is nothing boasting about having your license up.”
— I agree in principle, but you have to get along with them. Best way to climb is to fit in well and be a team player. I'd wait until I was more cemented, in an office. My reply isn't based in right/wrong, or fair/unfair…just ease of getting along. I also think Becca's perception of the other accountants is likely accurate. Me…without it being a necessary part of my job…I'd fly low until I didn't have to. The people who count will know she's a CPA…she'll know it. Wait until it pays off, and THEN hang that sucker high.
We had an accountant here…good at what he did, but just a schmuck. A talented schmuck, but a schmuck. Had the ethical code of worldcom execs. Real slime ball…and just a nasty person. Smart though. He also HATED CPAs. HATED THEM. Would go on for hours about how worthless the cert was…and if you were one, and new, he'd make SURE you knew how much more he knew than you did. The guy was deeply unhappy and deeply insecure…and I'd just smile and agree. Never argued. Why get into it if it can't benefit you? I mean the guy is right in one way…just having the license isn't the be all and end all. There are talented accountants without that license…but…they always have to have a reason for not having it. And, deep dpwn, it irks them. Best to fly low until you don't have to deal with them in that way as a more junior member.
“Man, once I pass FAR I am going to print out a CPA certification online for myself and cut it in 4 quarters, and put up one quarter on my wall as motivation.” <—-this is awesome. LMFAO.