HAIL MARY - Page 2

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    So I’ve come to the conclusion its about time to do an all out HAIL MARY.. I have yet to pass a single exam even after many months of commitment to studying and testing. Now that we have to wait 3 months to get results, I’m literally going to take 3 exams within that time frame and do nothing but MCQs until I cannot see straight.. AUD testing in 3 weeks, BEC testing in 4 weeks and REG same. WHATEVER AND WHY NOT 😉

    Has anyone ever attempted this and was it successful?

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD

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  • #1746456

    @Recked, wow! those are some great scores and the time line is amazing. hats off to your dedication!!

    i am struggling with Auditing, can you please dive into your strategy? i scored a 64 in Feb. did about 600 mcq with the NINJA software and about 200 mcq in becker. just heard the lectures first and then did questions from all the chapters, i think i spend 80-85 hours studying.


    AUD was my hail mary. FAR was 11/9/17 and I felt completely defeated by it, decided to take a week off, work out a bit, see family, change brakes on my truck, all the things I had been putting off. One week later I was in NATP tax class day 2 (11/16/17) browsing the CPA seat availability on my cell phone and a seat opened 12/7/17 at my local prometric, 3 weeks out. Called home and had a picture of my NTS that was in my FAR book on my stairs sent to me, and I was able to grab the seat via cell from tax class.

    I decided to cram all the Roger videos as fast as possible. Limited notes, mainly mnemonics and the sort.
    The biggest factor in audit is to see the whole picture, start to finish, soup to nuts.
    The individual parts make very little sense, but once you see the audit process from start to finish it starts to all fall into place.

    15 years tax, no audit experience. EA exam 2013/2014. Part 3 of EA is all on ethics and representation, etc, plus I am required to have 2 hours Ethics every year to maintain EA.
    The Ethics and similar stuff was second nature to me at that point. The controls, and processes of an audit were the focus and struggle. Sounds to me like you need to do more MCQs.

    I think I had 10 days to do as many MCQs as I could, so at first I was thinking I would do 120 a day, but I ended up only doing 100 a day.
    I hit all the chapters for a good chunk in each, and then focused on the chapters I was performing poorly in. No sense in focusing on the fluff you know just to pat yourself on the back. A lot of the information and verification stuff etc seemed straight forward from my tax work.

    Good luck!!


    @Recked – You are partially the reason why I decided to cram AUD into a 2 1/2 week period. And luckily it ended up working well for me. It does take a ton of dedication and motivation to pull off tho.


    Thank you @Recked for taking out the time to write in such detail. Really appreciate it so I think what I will adopt from your strategy is to go thru the lectures first by the end of this month so I can get 3 weeks to work on mcq and sims. The maximum MCQ I have done in a day were like 85 because I take too long copy down the answers so my speed is really slow with those mcqs. Not the answering part just reading the answer explanations and writing down notes takes super long. When you say do 10 mcq, so thats like in test mode or study mode? also, what has been your way of reviewing the materials. have you taken the cram for other parts as well?
    @CPA_ME_23, wow!! 2.5 weeks, auditing must make whole lotta sense to you!


    The only section I took detailed notes on MCQs was REG. Overall I found that to be a waste of time.
    10 MCQ sets were in test mode. If I was using study mode I would do sets of 20. The only reason for sets of 10 in test mode was to get back to see if my answers were right or wrong asap.
    I did not take the “cram course” that Roger offers if that is your question. I have heard that its just the same videos, only fewer of them to focus on hot topics for the exam.
    I did FAR by the book. Watch a video, so all the MCQs, move to the next section.
    AUD REG and BEC I watched all the videos as fast as possible, and then worked the MCQs at the end.
    I was not afraid to go back and re-watch lectures 2 or 3 more times if I was not grasping the concepts.


    Thanks for all the information. Yes, I was asking about the cram because a lot of the companies out there put crazy emphasis on it. I will try out the things you mentioned, i guess working in test mode probably helps in increasing your speed. I am taking nearly 1:45 up to 2:00 minutes per question with all the writing down so taking too long. I think thats partly why I scored weaker in MCQ. Well, I think I know what I need to correct so thanks again for your feedback!

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