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  • #1745973

    So I’ve come to the conclusion its about time to do an all out HAIL MARY.. I have yet to pass a single exam even after many months of commitment to studying and testing. Now that we have to wait 3 months to get results, I’m literally going to take 3 exams within that time frame and do nothing but MCQs until I cannot see straight.. AUD testing in 3 weeks, BEC testing in 4 weeks and REG same. WHATEVER AND WHY NOT 😉

    Has anyone ever attempted this and was it successful?

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD

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  • #1745976

    I wouldn't call what I'm doing a “Hail Mary” because I've been studying for FAR since the beginning of January but I'm taking FAR April 2, AUD May 8 and BEC June 8th or 9th, whichever one of those dates is on Friday. I do plan to put in the study time and go through the material, I have Wiley, then hammer out as many MCQs and some TBSs as possible on AUD and BEC. I gave myself plenty of time on FAR as you can see with an additional 2 weeks to review for it because it's a lot more information. I'm going to be more efficient in my studying for AUD and BEC so that's why I allotted 4-5 weeks worth of study time for those two exams.

    I'm currently trying to decide how and when to tackle REG. I want to do it early July but summer studying isn't my first choice but studying during football season is NOT an option. Hahahaha


    AUD 3 weeks, Roger videos plus 1000 MCQs, got an 88
    BEc 4 weeks got a 91, about 1400 MCQs? cant remember
    Reg was 6 weeks, 2 weeks filler waiting for score release Dec19th, then Dec19th to Jan 18th was full REG, over 1000 MCQs got a 96.

    yea, you can do it for sure.
    Lots of MCQs, and focus on trouble areas for more MCQs


    I hope you have Recked's work ethic to pull this off LOL. I know I couldn't do it.


    AUD was 85 hours, REG was 110, BEC was 90.

    FAR was 10 weeks and 250 hours lol, got a 93.
    Just stay on that grind. Get it done. 5.5 months, 535 hours. So worth it.


    Recked – sWeeEEEetTTT .. yep I need his memory retention and stamina .. lol I'm so gonna try it . I mean F..it (thats the point I'm at lol). Thank you my friends! Need luck, faith, memory drugs, monster drinks, vacation, hope, prayer, etc etc etc etc etc. 🙂

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    @Pokey I would recommend doing MCQ's in sets of 30 to simulate actual Exam conditions to ensure you maintain focus on exam day. Which system are you using?


    @jsdailey I have been using Gleim and just added Ninja – full access on both

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    I would advise you not listen to jsdailey.

    I did Roger IPQs in sets of 10 so I could quickly see results and get back to seeing the questions to see what I got wrong and why.
    if you do sets of 30, you have to relearn the question body because you will have forgotten it by the time you review.

    In Gleim (used for FAR and BEC) I did sets of 20 in study mode. I only used Gleim once I had exhausted all of Roger's IPQs. Study mode shows you the answer instantly so you can learn faster/less review time needed to go back through.

    Timing is crucial for exam day, but doing sets of 30 is not a valuable or resourceful use of your time while studying.


    …. @Recked … I am your follower 😉 thank you so much for the advice.. I've been doing set of 10 mcqs in Ninja recently and will start working with Gleim study mode because the adaptive path takes so long and the adaptive tests will repeat a lot of the same questions from previous chapters over and over (usually questions I had already gotten correct multiple times). Gleim is good but time is of the essence for me now.

    AUD - 74 (3x), TBD
    BEC - Sept16
    FAR - TBD
    REG - TBD


    I was sort of on the @recked plan of action too until I got to REG. I wanted to be finished with REG by July 4th but my testing center doesn't have any openings until July 10. That entire first week is booked or not open.


    @ Recked, I was thinking of getting the next two sections paid for since the score release is so long. But like it was said, the seats are filling up fast. I'm working on Far and will go on with Reg and Aud. I am not going to fret over the score release. It's just time to get it done. Great points on studying the mcq's as well.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    If I had known I was going to push them all into 6 months I would have done it all on one NTS. I originally intended for this process to take the better part of a year.
    The 2018 score delays, application delay from NYS over summer of 2017(20 weeks), and $$ inequity at my job all pressed my hand and gave me more motivation than most of you will experience.

    I got a $25k salary increase and anticipate another $5k-$15k in bonus, plus equity/name on the building.
    I told boss it was overhead split, or I'm going sole prop. I have the clients and I have the savings/financial backing to make big moves.
    Those 3 letters were holding me back, and forcing me into a position where I could be taken advantage of because my boss knew I needed him to sign off on my 15 year pathway (or be forced to go get my Macc or MBA).

    Once I get locked in to something, I tend to focus 100% on the goal until it is met.
    I have what they call a “SLIGHTLY” addictive personality. If you've ever ran 13 miles just to see if you could, then you know the type of person I am.


    I had no problem whatsoever with 2 per window on only 3-4 week notice, and could've done 3 if necessary (fortunately, I managed to pass some of them <g>).

    A: 75
    B: 72
    F: 78
    R: 75


    @recked That's some serious motivation!!


    @Pokey, I took AUD, REG, and BEC in Q1 of this year, and I passed AUD and BEC. Most of my studying during that time was for REG, and I should have just allocated more study time to it, since I know it's the hardest one for me.

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