Grade reactions but this time when you Failed. - Page 2

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  • #186243

    I just saw a post similar to this one, so I just changed the title to what was your reaction when you failed.

    FAR- After I saw my grade (71) I just kept telling myself that I was smart until the age of 25. Now at 37, everything is just so hard to accomplish. And I also cry like a little b,,,

    I think 80% of all of you who have been able to get between 70 to 74, would have passed the exam, if you would have taken it before 2011. Back then, the MC was 70% of the exam, a memo worth 10%, and the simulations were only 20%. I was able to pass FAR and REG with a score of 79% in two windows BACK IN 2006. Now I can’t pass FAR in 5 months.


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  • #570495

    The 360° degree head turn like the possessed girl in the “Exorcist”.


    When I first saw my fail in 71 AUD I was really taken back. I kept thinking how… are you serious.. Went straight back to studying and I got 72 I became very depressed. It took a month to snap out and focus on BEC. Once I passed BEC that was a turning point.

    After that when I failed REG twice I just got more angry and studied harder.

    Had the same issue as you Gian. in my 20's I passed all my exams on the first time. I even passed CGA on the first try in my late 20's. As soon as I hit 30… my brain stopped working and I realized I have to work twice as hard to pass.

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