Got Chewed out by In-Charge

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  • #2164870

    Hello all-

    I am seeking advice about this situation. I do have a good amount of work experience even though it is mostly entry-level (various jobs because of the great recession). I have been in situations where the supervisor or manager has chewed out or disrespected the staff including myself. People started leaving afterwards.

    I just graduated with a masters degree in accounting in 2017 and my degree wasn’t obtained to “change” careers because I have some experience in accounting. It was to make myself more marketable and gain more relevant experience (and CPA).

    Recently, I just started in public accounting and everything was going fine. About a week ago, I got chewed out in front of the partner and manager by the in-charge. She said she couldn’t understand why it took me about a hour to determine if I had items still pending from the client. I told her that I double checked all of the items assigned to me to ensure I didn’t miss anything. Her response was that she needed to know why it took me so long so she knows how to give me directions next time. Also, she has been micromanaging me and I do not like it. When she sat close by me, she would ask what I was doing or was I still working on task X. I guess she’s trying to say I am taking too long. To make a long story short, I have decided to stay at the firm for maybe a year and see if I can get assigned to clients that she doesn’t work on. If not, I will probably start applying to other public accounting jobs later this year. I get along with the other in-charges and they have no problem with me. Usually, if a person chews you out publicly then it might be time to leave. lol The following day she was nick picking this other associate as well. I used to wonder why he barely spoke to her and I figured it out. Now, when I work with her it’s all business. I pretty much stopped with the small talk.

    What are you guys thoughts? Has anyone experience anything similar? Also, I don’t have a coach at the moment to discuss the situation.

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  • #2165740

    I used to work as an admin at a small public firm a few years ago, before I finished me degree. My boss, the office manager, would micromanage how I closed Microsoft Office! If I clicked the red “X” at the top, the world was coming to an end! Her boss, one of the partners, was even worse. She was rude, ignorant and thought less of everyone. She not only chewed everyone out who was under her but she even chewed her only daughter out who came in to do light help during summer break! When this woman chewed someone out you could hear her yelling while her door was shut….down the hall. She actually had the audacity to tell me that an online degree didn't count. I had 2 (now 3) kids and the classes I took in person was spent listening to the professor or other students' weekends which I didn't care about lol.

    No one treated people the way she did but no one stopped it either and all of the partners carried themselves as though they were better but it was definitely tolerable. I don't think anyone should deal with that and it's disgraceful that people are treated that way. I wouldn't stay. There are definitely more options in the world and no one should let it continue. You'll find a place that treats their employees with dignity :-).


    Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, some people shouldn't be supervisors or managers. I am glad to hear that it is your former job. lol. At my job, I keep to myself and I try to avoid the in-charge. I only ask her questions when I have to and limit my small talk. I heard after busy season you will get asked what clients you preferred or not. If so, I plan to get off every job this in-charge is on or I might leave after one year. A co-worker told me that if I leave I might faced a similar situation. There's some truth behind what she said.


    @2bigCPA I am sorry about what you went through. I don't care what your title is, if you have feedback (especially if negative), it should be delivered privately. I can't speak for what was going through her mind but I can tell you from my days in public accounting that there's a lot of stress for an in-charge. They are heavily questioned by managers, sometimes partners regarding hours and how efficiently engagements are being run. Perhaps she did it on purpose or tried to make you look bad in front of the partners. She could have wanted the partners to see for themselves why things aren't getting done as quickly as they expect. If you ask me, that makes her leadership look bad and not you. Unfortunately, you will not understand what she's going through until you become an in-charge yourself. I get you're not doing the small talk and why you're limiting it but I would recommend you change your attitude and not take this personally. For me, team attitude and morale was everything and what got me through those long days. To leave a firm because of 1 person is not the right thing to do. Additionally, being selective and saying you don't want to work on certain clients is also not right because you're missing out on opportunities to learn and eventually in charge those engagements and build rapport with clients. For all you know, she could be gone soon. You need to take things with a grain of salt. Also, I agree with your co-worker, this same situation is not unique to this firm, you will find people of her breed everywhere. You need to take her aside privately and tell her directly that you would appreciate receiving feedback privately next time but that you're open to hearing the feedback she has. If she continues, then you can take it up to her superiors. If you don't do that, she will continue the public shaming.


    Finish those CPA exams and try not to let this person get to you. In-charges do not have CPA exams passed. You can get leverage over this person when you finish the exams and they don't – outperform and outshine this person and leave her in the dust. She sounds like the type that stays senior-level for a year or two then leaves suddenly.
    This isnt even that bad of a situation. I had seniors break out in hives from the stress, cry in the coffee shop across the street for hours, curse out managers, try to promote themselves by attacking others (lol this is a funny one), take all the credit for errors and shit the staff finds. I would rather have a senior/in-charge that cared about the work (or micromanage) than to mentally snap and have no time because they are loathing/do nothing all day long until its 6pm at night – then they stay online passed midnight to look good by sending emails.
    Not to mention drama with the client, which you have yet to experience. I had clients curse me out asking me wtf kind of test this is, Head of Americas called security on my staff, doing rev recs with a blacked out drunk Head of Ops days before filing. And the whole partner-client relationship dynamic (i.e., audit evidence may strongly suggest SD, MW or whatever and the partner says to throw it out because the client had a new CFO – so you throw it out against all your training). And the list continues… Not only will you have to deal with deadlines, but dealing with people is also a big part of the job. If you just like numbers, then move to back office. Otherwise, get used to it and try to become a better manager than your predecessors.


    Wow….I think I'll stay in private accounting lol! I thought I had seen the bad side of it but certainly doesn't look that way!


    It is the truth though. Staff are really the only ones producing workpapers. Seniors get the sexier balances, but still manage staff/interns to test it, or at least they should. So seniors and above spend most of their time addressing anything that comes up in the testing, dealing with the client and making sure that hours/work are within budget and time. They are also responsible for mostly every meeting and deliverable, even though they may not be the one producing it. So a lot changes from Staff to Senior, your work doubles if not more, but your salary only goes up 10% lol. And you are put in a new managing position. In my experience, most people's personality changes when they make senior, into a more duesche-ier person because they take it WAYYY to seriously. Like leaving 500 review notes on internal control testing.


    Sadly a few faces came to mind when I read “dueshe-ier”…and I laughed a bit too hard at it too lol.
    I admire people who do public accounting, but with 3 kids and I'm ALWAYS the one taking off when kids are sick, dr. appt, etc., it's really not feasible for me. If I didn't have kids I'd probably get in for more variety, but I've been fortunate enough to avoid it. My hat's off to everyone in public!



    Your feedback is much appreciated because I have taken the wrong approach. I didn't think of the situation like you. My biggest flaw is my stubbornness when people cross me the wrong way and it's been a work in process (no pun intended). Haha.I am trying to speak to her more and ask for more help.

    I had to copy and paste your response because it will be useful today, tomorrow, and in the future. 🙂



    Thanks for the response!

    You are right. My situation isn't the worst. I felt it was unprofessional to call someone out like that. In public accounting, we spend a lot of time together including after work and it does make things uncomfortable not to get along with them. I just have to change my mindset and stay focused. I am focused on passing my exams so that's a good thing. If or when I become an in-charge, I will make sure not to disrespect or act unprofessional towards anyone.

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