Good Corporate and Partnership Tax Textbook

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  • #186318

    I am looking for a textbook that has some great real life examples of corporate and partnership tax issues, not to help me pass the CPA exam. Maybe some of you that have a masters in taxation or have been practicing as a CPA for a while and you have run across a great book if you could share that with me. Thanks

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  • #570637

    The MST program I am in uses a lot of texts from RIA and CCH, but they are more theory/law driven than actual practical application kind of thing. I don't remember their titles but the most practical application textbooks I saw were in my undergrad tax classes, but they are so general they may not be of much help. If you don't mind me asking what specifically are you looking to use the textbooks to accomplish? I work in a corporate tax department and we do partnership returns as well, so if I know what you are using them for maybe I know will know more what to recommend.

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    BEC - 5/2013 - Passed!
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    REG - 11/2013 - Passed!
    "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda


    @jaredo155 I just passed my CPA Exams and have been preparing tax returns for the company that I work for a few years now. Also, my responsibilities at my job include preparing tax returns for our clients who are for the most part small companies, like up to 20 employees. I am looking for a book that can help me have even a better understanding how to deal with tax issues that larger companies come across as I am considering leaving my current job to go work as a Tax manager for a bigger firm maybe even one of the big 4 companies.


    I don't know how much these cost if you have to pay for them yourself (they may be pricey), but to do my CPE my company has a subscription to RIA online tax courses (I suspect CCH has similar ones, or the AICPA as well). Those are about as close to real world as you are going to get for teaching you things you need to know. Which for corporate are how to prepare a provision, book/tax differences both temporary and permanent, when and how to take different types of depreciation, estimates, extensions, annual filings, and if they are in more than one state apportionment. All the basics that are going to be fundamental to just about all corporate returns are there, and I am sure they have ones for Partnerships as well. Again I don't know what the cost is, but I would imagine it is not much more than the cost of a textbook, and I suspect it would be much more helpful.

    I am making the assumption that since you passed REG you already have a basic understanding of most of the concepts of corporate tax, it is the nuances and specifics that go into the return preparation you are looking for.

    AUD - 2/2013 - Passed!
    BEC - 5/2013 - Passed!
    FAR - 8/2013 - Passed!
    REG - 11/2013 - Passed!
    "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda


    Thank you jaredo155. Yes I do have a pretty good understanding about corporate tax returns but just wanted to get a little more knowledge if I can.

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