Forever unemployed?

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  • #1833281

    i’ve posted about this before. But once again, I am at the point of hopelessness. Despite having an MST and passing all CPA exams, I have found it impossible to get a job. At all… As I am only looking in Public. I’m basically shot and worthless at this point since I have not worked in a professional environment in a while and I am now too old (25) for entry level positions.

    How do I get out of this rut? I am currently driving Lyft on weekends, and starting next week, I am working at a factory job I have worked at before.

    I know, just keep applying. I am, and I have not succeeded thus far.

    Please help me, if you can.

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  • #1833289

    Parthamis, I've been in your shoes, except I don't have an advanced degree and the exam is in progress.

    Have you networked with former classmates? Perhaps they can pass your CV along.

    Connect with managers and recruiters on LinkedIn from companies you're interested in.

    Attend career fairs from your alma mater. Visit the career center for job opportunities.

    Have you tried a temping agency? Those could lead to a permanent position.

    Just my thoughts. I too had to hustle, nothing came falling into my lap, per se.

    Good luck!


    I know majority of the top public accounting firms like to recruit and then promote within. They do a ton of campus recruiting. Do you still have access to your college's job posting website? If so, I would try applying through there. Also, try to find an internship. Most public accounting firms will give offers to their interns if they did good work (thats how I got my job).


    I have tried that. Last year during the fall fair of my school, I had 3 exams passed and did not get any interviews.


    Same. I have applied, but have been unsuccessful. Firms do not like to offer internships to students who already graduated.



    Sorry to hear. Having a MST and passed all CPA Exams and are good qualifications, and 25 is not too old for entry level! Have you considered applying to another city in your state where there might be more need for CPAs? It took me a while to get a job in public accounting after I passed my CPA exam back in the day but I eventually got into a Big4 in San Francisco, CA. I grew up in the Los Angeles area, and had received no interviews locally but I did at a Big4 in San Francisco. I worked there for a year, and was then able to transfer to their LA office!


    definitely considering it. I'm in the Philly area, and applying locally and in NY.
    I am considering SF (if I can afford it), Dallas, and a couple other places. I think I need another recruiter to assist me with these transitions.
    Did you use a recruiter in SF to get a move over there?


    Try Robert Half

    Hang in there. I was in that position too. Needed to just get my foot in the door so I took an internship in a CPA firm and contract jobs at first (but I was very picky with the contract jobs and would only choose the ones that will give me the experience I needed/title I needed to get to where I want to be). Good luck to you!


    Something isn't adding up.

    Either you're only looking in extremely competitive markets or your resume is terrible.

    If nothing else, you should be a shoe-in for a state job if all else fails. That's what I had to do.

    Also, there may be more opportunities in BFE than a large city…just sayin'


    Stay Positive, things will get better.


    Can u post ur email? I know it s weird but I want to send you an email. I think I can help you out getting at least an interview in big 4 but you have to be willing to relocate.


    Hi parthamis, it's definitely hard to look for a job, but you just gotta keep trying. Just a few pointers based on your post/situation.

    1. With an MST, you might be overqualified if you're applying for entry level. Interviewers might think you're asking for a higher pay with minimal experience if none at all for an entry level position. Have you tried applying for a senior, or a 2nd yr staff or accountant II instead? You can probably explain to the interviewer to consider your Masters in lieu of experience. This one will be up to you on how you can prove it to the potential employer.

    2. If I was in your shoes, and if you're adamant in applying for entry level, I would leave out the MST on your resume for the time being. A bachelors plus having passed the CPA exam is a very attractive resume IMO. Get your experience from that company (1yr or more), afterwards start applying again this time with your MST on your resume.

    3. Location could also be a problem like what others have said. If you're open to relocating, try applying to other cities, counties, states, etc.

    Wish you the best of luck. Trust me, we've all been in your shoes at one point :). And 25 is not old at all!!! lol!!!!

    Review Materials: RogerCPA, WTB, NINJA

    BEC - IP (May 2014)
    AUD - TBA 2014
    REG - TBA 2014
    FAR - TBA 2014


    I graduated when I was 29 and I had to apply to so many job postings, I lost count before getting my first interviews…there are some people willing to give you that entry level position. Don’t give up!!


    Your help will be appreciated.


    I can relate to you probably more than most people on here. Because quite frankly, I was far worse off at one point.

    In my past, I've been fired not once, but twice (literally back to back jobs), I don't have a CPA (although I did get an EA, the best I could do being completely broke!), my network is complete sh** and quite frankly, I was unemployed for almost 2 years (a lot of part time jobs and Jackson Hewitt). Did I mention I'm 28?

    What eventually landed me my current role (entry level at that) was when I STOPPED looking. I focused on a niche that no one else did (or at least very little did) and then I began to create a non-profit for it. I even bought a website and started designing it. My friends and family thought I was nuts.

    Nonetheless, I saw a firm looking for an entry level tax accountant (literally the first place I applied to with my new resume) and was offered a job on the spot.

    Now, my firm is smaller (around 30 people, roughly half are CPAs), and its in a different area (northeast ohio). I even get my own office.

    What I am trying to say is, If I can do it, so can you.

    Don't give up, it WILL get better.


    Hi Parthamis,

    I had the same issue actually – similar credentials as well. Couldn’t get anywhere with public accounting firms. I had multiple people reviewed my resume and did not get any negative feedback. I even had referrals to some of the firms and still got filtered out.

    I agree with other people here that expanding your search to nationally will help but I haven’t had any luck back then either.

    I eventually settled for a non-public accounting firm job but I hope you have better luck than I did.


    Why only look into public accounting? The work and hours suck.

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