First year scew ups! Let's compare - Page 2

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  • #184647

    Hi all! This has been an interesting week around the office where at any given point during the day I am being reprimanded for mistakes. Don’t get me wrong. I can take criticism and if it’s constructive then criticize away since that’s how I’ll learn. Today my manager informed me about a major mistake I made in testing which will push the issuance date of the report back and lead to adjustments. I’ve been working with this firm for a little over 6 months now and thought I had gotten over what we refer to as “the first year screw up phase” where no matter how hard you try, you are just wrong. No matter how good you followed the audit program you get blown up with review comments.

    So, I’m curious to hear what other big mistakes have been made during the first year and how that ended! I’m hoping apologizing heavily will smooth this over but my paranoid side says I am completely done for and come end of busy season this will be coming back to haunt me during performance reviews. Maybe I should cash in my PTO? lol

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  • #550548

    Do public accounting firms really fire people for making a few small mistakes. Good God, you people are terrifying me. I've been with my firm for just over four months now as a bank auditor and I have made plenty of mistakes. Honestly, I still feel like I know nothing about auditing or banking. I certainly can't afford to get canned for screwing up. Anybody out there make tons of mistakes their first year and NOT get fired?!?!


    I had a return sit on a partner's floor for 2 or 3 weeks. The partner was obviously busy reviewing loads of tax work and getting stuff done. No blames to be had there.

    Partner comes in, has questions about return, leaves for a while, I review, change/clarify stuff, give back to partner, leave. Partner comes back after I leave, reviews return, sends out e-mail saying it's not ready yet because I'm not on the ball.




    I had a return sit on a partner's floor for 2 or 3 weeks. The partner was obviously busy reviewing loads of tax work and getting stuff done. No blames to be had there.

    Partner comes in, has questions about return, leaves for a while, I review, change/clarify stuff, give back to partner, leave. Partner comes back after I leave, reviews return, sends out e-mail saying it's not ready yet because I'm not on the ball.




    Just a tip to everyone out there. When I give stuff to a partner, I usually place it on his chair so he for sure sees it when he gets back to his office. I then send him an email letting him know that I put it there. This way if he ever accuses me of not getting it to him, I can show him the email.


    Just a tip to everyone out there. When I give stuff to a partner, I usually place it on his chair so he for sure sees it when he gets back to his office. I then send him an email letting him know that I put it there. This way if he ever accuses me of not getting it to him, I can show him the email.

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