Feeling a little down

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  • #3202532

    Hi guys. So I tested on Dec. 30th for REG. Just so you know, this is my first CPA Exam. I was very anxious going in. Of course my luck, the first questions on teslet 1 I was clueless on. As I went on I got some traction. At the end of Teslet 1, I flagged maybe 5-8 total.

    On Teslet 2: I want to tell myself it got harder because I flagged more questions, 10-12 to be exact, and simple stuff like head of household was over complicated, the mom and pop question was not obvious at all, you had to know the limitations, a DRD problem that required me to know that I can take full DRD at certain situations, I know I got that right. So I felt it got slightly harder. Again, that is just based on my “flagging” system.

    This is where I think will be the break it or make it for me: The SIMS:

    Teslet 3: Had 2 sims. On first sim, maybe 1 box correct out of the 5 boxes. Second SIM: Maybe 2 correct out of 5 boxes.

    Teslet 4: First sim: Felt lost, put $0 on all boxes. There were a total of 9 boxes :(, no way I had time for it. Sim 2: This was research and I know I got this one right 100%. SIM 3: 2 boxes correct out of 5.

    Teslet 5: Sim 1: 3 out of 8 boxes correct. Sim 2: I know I got this one 100% correct. Sim 3: 1-2 boxes correct out of 6.

    I’m feeling down because I don’t know if I will pass based on what I just mentioned. I feel really bad because I studied during the holidays and literally had zero joy this holiday season. I ignore my family and hid in my room to study, and I’m afraid that if I fail I would of just spent the last 8 weeks studying to fail when I could have been spending time with my family. I Know none of us are guaranteed to pass, but I am starting to feel like there might be a chance I failed.

    Can anyone relate to my exact numbers and still passed? Specially for REG? I know it’s impossible to know, but if others have similar situation like mine and still passed, please share. I know I can’t do nothing now and I have to wait till the 12th, but thought I would express myself and get this frustration out. Thank you all.

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  • #3202667

    It is completely normal to second guess yourself and have doubts.
    I felt that way a week or 2 after each exam.
    No point in worrying about it. You devoted the time and studied hard, just trust that it will be enough and move along to the next section. Assume the 18 month clock has started and keep grinding!
    Good luck.


    I agree with Recked and definitely feel your pain. I studied and passed all while working 40 hours plus busy season, and on audits. It was hell on Earth especially after each part the times I passed. I am happy I did not give up and you should not either. I wouldn't consider those 8 weeks of hardwork to be wasted. To pass on the first try is tough. I didn't experience the pleasure of passing on the first try and it 100% sucked; however it helped me pass. I'd consider those 8 weeks as a great foundation to build off of if you have to study again for REG. On my second study journey for REG, I noticed key things I skipped over and definitely learned more of what I already knew. By the second go around, I felt so much more prepared than before. All in all, I think what helped me the most was staying positive and telling myself I got this. Also, doing all of the final review and practice exams helped too. The times I failed I neglected not doing them and skipping/memorizing topics.


    Thanks @zachrobinson207. I want to tell myself I passed because I know I got a business some 100% correct and research, and I am hoping I scrape by with minimal partial credit from those boxes I mentioned.

    Herb Chicken

    Hopefully you passed. Knowing you got the research correct and some partial credit is a good sign. You cannot tell which sim was a pre-test so maybe you lucked out.


    The REG is supposed to be the broadest category, and the one that I'm studying for now. On UWorld Roger, there's a huge host of lectures that I'm playing over and over again so I can even ford the exams. Remember, it's persistence that wins the game.

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