Extended Testing Window

  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
  • Creator
  • #176199

    Any chances of a extended testing window due to Nemo?

    FAR - 2/27/2015
    AUD - 4/10/2015
    REG - May 2015
    BEC - May 2015

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  • Author
  • #397779

    I am waiting for that news too…:-)

    AUD: TBA-
    FAR Done
    BEC Done

    NINJA for AUD


    Me too, but I'm skeptical at this point – I think we would know by now. I would love to be wrong, but…

    B: 77 (LC), 75
    A: 63,74,88
    R: 60,67,80
    F: 71,74,74 again, and 86 - DONE!

    Ethics and application - done.

    Licensed in VA - 07/03/2014


    It seems to me like the windows that were extended in the past due to severe weather, the storms were much closer to the end of the window. Like during the final week of the window.

    I'd think it would have been announced by now anyway.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    We shall see

    FAR - 2/27/2015
    AUD - 4/10/2015
    REG - May 2015
    BEC - May 2015


    Hm… curious to see if the ice storm in the midwest combined with Nemo and extend the window.

    I've emailed NASBA, but does anyone know if conditional credit is extended along with the window? My REG score expires on February 28.

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."


    I wouldn't expect them to extend the window except long-impact storms like Sandy, or something that was right at the end of the window. Nemo hit mid-window so that gave people plenty of time to find another day to take their exam. It only seems to happen when Prometric themselves are affected for more than a day or two.

    If you have to take something in February still, I wouldn't count on an extended window. Probably would have heard by now considering next Friday is March 1 already.

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