Expected increase after passing CPA

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  • #172482

    Hi all, I just pass the CPA last month. Now I am in the process of getting my license and working on a billing rate/hourly rate increase with my boss. He is basically offering a 10% increase in my hourly rate as a result of passing the exam. I am curious to know what is the norm out there. I am in a bit shock since he has been giving me a 8-10% regular hourly increase every year for the past 5 year. I kind of thought that passing the exam would change that. Any insights are greatly appreciated.

    FAR - 77 (Feb 2012)
    REG - 88 (Aug 2011)
    AUD - 79 (Nov 2011)
    BEC - 80 (May 2012)

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  • #356107

    If you've been getting 8-10% a year for the last 5 years I'd say your employer is exceptionally generous, and a 10% increase for getting licensed is fair.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Put yourself in the shoes of the employer~

    Yesterday you tested and didn't know whether you passed….today you learned you passed. Are you smarter today than yesterday?

    Perhaps you need to leave your current employment situation in order to be fully recognized/realized as someone who has passed their test. In my opinion, very few “current” employers realize the sacrifice it took and the value of your license.

    Just my two cents…for what it's worth.



    Are you more valuable to your employer than you were pre-exam?


    Are you more valuable to your employer than you were pre-exam?


    All I know is that employers who consistently give you an 8-10% increase every year are becoming VERY rare. I'd almost worry that you've been spoiled, given today's economy. I know tons of people who haven't had even so much as a 2% raise in 3 years.

    But are there maybe better jobs out there for you now that you will have your license? Yep. No harm in trying to negotiate a little more.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 88
    REG - 87
    FAR - 86 - Woot, all done!
    Ethics - 100


    An annual increase of that magnitude is pretty impressive, but I have no idea what your starting salary was, b/c a lot of people barely get COLA increases.

    Your increased value to your boss depends:

    Your boss gets to brag to potential and existing clients that he now has a licensed accountant on staff to handle matters; has there been more new clients and client work for you as a result?

    Are you yourself able to attract more client work to your boss's firm now as a result of your license?

    Couldn't pass again!


    At the firm I work for, a pay increase only comes with promotion. Promotions are granted based on years of service. At my level, I need to commit 2+ years to move up, even if I pass the exam during that time.

    All I will receive when I become a CPA is a $2,000 bonus. I will still be making the same wage as I am now. We'll see how long I last once I get my license….

    B - 78 (lost credit 11/30/11), 73, 75 PASSED!
    A - 75 (lost credit 1/14/12), 72, 75 PASSED!
    R - 70, 69, 71, 77 PASSED!
    F - 56, 49, 64, 63, 71, 68, 64, 69, 77 PASSED!




    My firm offers a $1000 bonus and a $1000 raise upon licensure.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010

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