Dream Job VS Reality - Page 2

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  • #185609

    This is a little off topic, but I think can be a little fun! Was being an accountant your top job pick? Was this what you wanted to do? Was accounting your passion?

    Well for some obviously yes! However, for me, if I had the budget (loans or whatever would cover it) and an opportunity, I would drop everything to become an airline pilot or an air traffic controller. This would really get me out of the bed excited and it is something that I definitely feel passionate about.

    Anyone else with a story like this? Don’t be shy let’s hear it!

    BEC: 5/21/14 82! PASSED HALF WAY THERE!
    FAR: 4/2/15 80! Almost there!
    AUD: 69, 74, 4/3/14 81! PASSED
    REG: TBD

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  • Author
  • #559866

    I am a self-employed accountant, although not a CPA. I absolutely love accounting but my original goal was to combine accounting with criminal investigations. So, I wanted to investigate white collar crimes. But life and obstacles got in the way. Once your grades suffer in school, you can kiss the really big dreams goodbye. That's unless you know people in high places. I suffered from major depression which put my grades in the toilet. I ended up having to settle for menial accounting jobs over the years. My big break came though when I landed a management position with a property management company.

    During the time I was in between temp jobs, I started my own bookkeeping business. I did it full time for about 18 months and then went to work for the property management company. I still operated the business on a part time basis and supplemented my income beautifully. Anyway, my former boss at the property management company decided to go ahead and let me transition to contract status so I can again operate my business full time. I won't lie, it's a bit of a struggle especially being a single mommy, but I'm making it. I'm very very happy and I get to meet awesome new clients on a regular basis.

    I'm praying that one day, I will get where I want to me financially and career wise. As far as the CPA is concerned, I'm still debating whether I will even have time for the studying. If my bookkeeping business turns out to be lucrative all on it's own, I won't worry about the CPA.

    No matter what happens in your life, I still say pursue your dream even if it doesn't happen until you're 50.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    Remember the movie, “The Other Guys”, where Will Farrell is a forensic accountant working for the police?

    There's a scene where he says, “At age 11, I audited my parents. Believe me, there were some discrepancies, and I was grounded.”

    I really did audit my parents when I was a teen (they're awful with their money and people are constantly wondering where I came from because this apple fell far from the tree).

    What I love most about accounting and auditing – there are so many routes you can take. The number of options can be overwhelming.

    BEC - 80
    AUD - 64, 75 - credit lost, 90!!
    REG - 73, 74, 83
    FAR - 61, 72, 85

    Feels good finishing on my best note. Time to watch the mailbox.

    mariam almas

    my dream since childhood was become a pilot

    if only i could turn time, i would fight for my dream of becoming a pilot 🙁

    AUD: 81 (Done)
    REG: Currently studying
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: TBD



    haha i actually really love accounting, i think it's a very powerful tool if you think outside the box with it. My dream job was to always help people, i was always into social justice groups on campus. Originally political science major, but i hated how it was all talk, i needed something more concrete. I hated how people would talk about big business, taxes, whatever it may be in these organizations i was in, but it was all info they got off the internet. So imagine these social justice leaders trying to talk to some CEO of a company about sweatshops, it was always a mess because you can't talk with those kind of people if you don't know their language. So how can you truly try and help people obtain livable wages, when you literally know nothing about the businesses that create these wages? You only see one side, and of course there's 2 sides to every story. You need some kind of authority on the business side. Being able to say ‘i'm an accountant' is a trump card in so many situations, even when it has nothing to do with anything haha. Economic justice is something i hold very close to my heart, i'm not as active in it as i wish i could be, right now i'm working on making me better, so i can truly figure out how to use what i have to help others.

    My dream job…i'd love to travel more, work with people more. Right now i don't have that, but i think I still have the opportunity if i become a CPA and learn to network better. I'd love to be president of the world bank, but you have to go to an ivy league etc. Just working there i think would be amazing.


    I liked IT stuff especially programming.

    My dream job was a Software developer. But my focus of life has changed as I faced reality. So I had to pursue Accounting MBA, and ended up working as an IT auditor. (at least there is a little portion of IT).

    I will just make it as my hobby, and build some simple programs during pastime.

    CPA - Class of 2013
    ALMI (Associate, Life Management Institute)
    CISA - Passed in 2011, Certified in 2014

    In Progress:
    ASA (Associate of Society of Actuaries) - EXAM P (O), EXAM FM (O), EXAM MFE (X), EXAM MLC (X), EXAM C (X)


    I want to own/run a nursery. (plants not kids – the two that I have are plenty) I still intend to one of these days, but I can't think of anyone I would better trust to run my business than a CPA.


    At one point in my life I wanted to be an actuary…I don't know what I was thinking. I took a lot of math classes in undergrad that I could have avoided.

    If money weren't an issue I would maybe teach high school math.

    Reality, I may look into tax law…maybe.

    AUD - 65, 89!
    REG - 70, 89!
    FAR - 78!
    BEC - 77!

    Experience 06/30/15

    VA Licensed 09/15/15


    I've always been most passionate about sports. Watching, reading, analyzing, everything… I think one day my ultimate goal would be to get my CPA, then a Masters in Sports Management or a similar field, and try to work in the front office of a team. We shall see!


    I love to cook and would've loved going to Europe to study culinary arts…then come back and become executive chef at some really expensive restaurant and eventually ended up with my own Food Network/travel foodie show 🙂

    ..one can dream…


    My dream as a child was to be rich and never have to work. As such, I do not think I am long for accounting. I have already started a bookkeeping business, and have some other small business stuff going on, but for now my bread and butter is accounting, until I get rich and never have to work.

    Does anyone have a pile of money they are looking to get rid of let me know, lets work something out.



    I actually do have a pile of money I am trying to get rid of. They are deoniminated in Monopoly currenices. I am looking to shore up my rental properties so if you have Boardwalk and Shortline Railroad, I will be more than happy to discuss a trade with you.


    Dream job?

    I really like helping people and being the go-to for what I see as the language of the business. And as nicole mentioned, being able to make a real difference with knowledge and experience on the ground level, not just secondary research about idealistic rhetoric (also did Poly sci for a while).

    I've had a few internships and public and am going big 4 soon, but I hope it leads to something less day-to-day accounting and more consulting/helping entrepreneurs/… What better spot than to walk into a bunch of businesses and be aware of their regulatory challenges, creatives ways of mitigating costs, estimates based on real experience, etc…. Audit isn't glorious, but if you stay aware of what you are doing rather than treat it like a numbers game, I feel like you can learn a lot about how to be successful in business compared to most business majors.

    TBH though, getting paid stupid amounts of money to play golf and “manage relationships” would be awesome. Although I'm not sure if that's actually a thing…..!

    REG - 92
    AUD - 90
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 82
    BISK Review Materials
    DONE! /Happydance


    I am actually almost done with my BS in public accounting. My dream job is becoming a police officer for the NYPD. I actually passed all my exams and interviews. Right now, it's a waiting game. Although, yesterday the commissioner had said he wants to put a freeze on hiring new officers. Now I'm not sure if I'll get into the academy by this year or even next year 🙁


    @ lostsudent99

    That's pretty cool. I wanted to go into law enforcement myself once upon a time. I took the federal civil service exam years back. I was interested in the Secret Service and the DEA. Didn't work out that way though.

    You may become the go-to person for forensic accounting questions so if I were you, I'd brush up on fraud schemes. Or better yet, take the courses. I took an Investigative Accounting course and Fraud Examination course in college.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    when i was in high school, my dream job for a while was to be interpreter for the President of my country. I said that to my father, and he was impressed 🙂 That never happened…

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