Does anyone actually pass when they think they do well? - Page 3

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    I have taken one exam at this point which was FAR. I walked out feeling so incredibly devastated, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Then A71 and some of my friends that have their CPA told me I probably did great. I was CERTAIN I failed but then found out I passed.

    The more I read on here, the more I hear of people who think they failed but end up passing and the flipside of thinking they did great and end up failing. I understand this is the nature of adaptive testing.

    As stupid as this sounds… for future exams, should I honestly be expecting to walk out feeling like I failed beyond belief? Does anyone walk out feeling great about their test and end up actually doing great?

    FAR - 2012 - PASSED (YAEGER)

    ETHICS - 2013 - PASSED

    DONE!!! Thank you A71 for all the support! Hiya!!!

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    @Darcer – That is very interesting. I had never heard of that, but now I want to read more about it. Thanks!


    I thought I did well on FAR and did. For AUD, I was pretty sure I *passed* but couldn't gage how well I did. There aren't really any computations so it was hard for me to KNOW. The SIMs helped me.

    I took REG last week and totally bombed it. Like I said, the first 2 I was pretty aware of how I did so if that stays consistent, I'll be retaking REG. We're talking, wanted to get up and leave before it was over type of thing. Ughhhhhhhhhh.

    FAR - 87 2/18/14
    AUD - 84 4/2/14
    REG - 87 7/23/14
    BEC - 78 8/26/14

    I'm finally an *official* CPA - TX


    I felt good about AUD, BEC, and REG and passed all three with a 90, 88, and 94. I didn't feel very good about FAR (first exam I took) and passed with an 87.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"


    I took REG twice. The first time I knew I bombed and got a 69. The second time I came home and said that I thought I knew enough but that I didn't have the mastery and I got an 82.

    When I took BEC in the fall of 2013, I thought for sure I passed and I got a 73. 🙁 I took again in May 2014 and felt confident that I passed, and I got an 81.

    I took FAR last spring and had no bloody idea- 79.

    I just took Audit on Monday- seesawing back and forth. Not really sure.

    So the answer to the question? I dunno know! 🙂 It's really hard to gauge….


    This is an interesting topic, and I will check back in after the I get my score for on (hopefully) August 1st.

    I joke with my co-workers all the time about the saying “If you leaving feeling like you failed, you passed, and if you feel like you passed, you failed.”

    Well, I left my first attempt at FAR KNOWING I had failed. I didn't put in the time, and I didn't study Govt/NFP. I was more shocked by how good my score actually was, a 66, considering I couldn't answer one Govt question (I told myself just to hope I didn't get a lot of Govt…learned that one the hard way)

    Before I talk about taking FAR the 2nd time, I have to preface it by saying that all through out school & college, I have done extremely well, but have always downplayed how I felt coming out of a test. “I think I did ok” or, “I'm not sure how I did” usually meant I did extremely well.

    With that said, although I have been downplaying how I feel about my 2nd attempt at FAR, I absolutely feel like I passed, and will be very shocked if I didn't. If fact, I will be kind shocked if I end up in the 70's at all.

    Getting a little off topic, I also don't necessarily believe in the whole “the 2nd and 3rd testlet didn't get harder so that means I didn't do well” theory.

    When I reviewed the 2013 & 2014 AICPA release questions for FAR, I noticed something. I didn't feel that the MCQs that were marked Medium difficulty LOOKED any easier than the ones that were marked hard. I feel like the ones marked hard were just trickier. When I took FAR for the 2nd time, I didn't get any multiple paragraph questions in the 2nd & 3rd testlets…but I do feel I had to think more about the questions.

    Does feeling really confident about a test equate to a passing score? … I'll check back in in two days after the scores are released.

    Edit: If I had to quantify how I feel about my potential score…I would say 86. I don't know why, but that is what I feel.

    FAR - [10/07/2013 --> 66] [07/07/2014 --> 86]
    BEC - [08/31/2014 --> 86]
    AUD - [11/24/2014 --> 88]
    REG - [02/14/2015 --> 92]


    I felt I failed FAR and got a 93. I felt I passed REG and got an 87. I felt I failed BEC with a 50 and got an 84. I feel I either barely passed Audit, or failed miserably. We'll see Friday.

    FAR - 93
    REG - 87
    BEC - 84!!!!
    AUD - 99!!!!!! CPA exam complete.


    @NYC- I think, based on your previous scores, you will do fine!

    And I will be watching to see how you did- I'm hoping that if you did super well, I did enough to pass. 🙂


    I felt like I for sure failed AUD based on my SIMS and got a 93. It was my first exam however. I feel pretty much the same about FAR but even worse about the SIMS this time. Hopefully I'll get some good news Friday.


    @RandomAlt – Getting a little off topic, I also don't necessarily believe in the whole “the 2nd and 3rd testlet didn't get harder so that means I didn't do well” theory.

    I hope you're right! I felt this way yesterday after walking out of FAR. What have you heard/not heard about the theory?

    I'm interested in hearing others' opinions on this as well.

    FAR - 71, 76
    AUD - 72, 67, 74
    BEC - 71, 69, TBD
    REG - TBD


    I felt like I did well on AUD. Helped that I found so many of the sims (including 1 WORD-FOR-WORD) in the AL. A 94 is about how I thought I did. FAR scores will come Friday, and I would believe a fail or a pass at this point.


    I feel my last REG retake went really smooth… In fact, I have now convinced myself that it was too easy and that I may have to take it yet again…… I can never tell that the MCQ are getting harder… I am trying to tell myself that I was just really prepared since I changed my study habits to be more efficient for me. As I am trying to restudy for my FAR retake it will just pop into my mind and I start thinking really deep about my REG exam… But I have to wait until Aug. 22 and see, which feels like forever!



    The theory is based on the adaptive nature of the CPA test. AICPA tells us that we all start with a “medium” difficulty testlet. If you do well on it, the next testlet is “hard” difficulty. If you do not do well on it, the next testlet is again medium. AICPA further states that if you get 3 medium testlets in a row, it is harder, but not impossible, to past the exam.

    With that said, everyone tries to read into whether or not their testlets went from medium to difficult. They look at the length of the questions (did they get longer, wordier). If they feel the test did not get harder, it means they get more medium testlets, and there is a greater chance that they failed.

    Like I stared above, when I did the AICPA release questions, which are broken down by medium and hard difficulty, I didn't really see what would be an obvious change in difficulty between the questions. They just seemed to get trickier. So maybe people who think they keep getting medium testlet, are actually getting harder ones, but not notice because it isn't obvious. Then again, those are the questions the AICPA chose to release, so maybe they purposefully chose not to include wordier MCQs

    Conclusion: Who knows, its all a crap shoot

    FAR - [10/07/2013 --> 66] [07/07/2014 --> 86]
    BEC - [08/31/2014 --> 86]
    AUD - [11/24/2014 --> 88]
    REG - [02/14/2015 --> 92]


    i left my first AUD attempt not really knowing how to feel = 72

    i left my first FAR attempt thinking i totally bombed = 84

    i left my second AUD attempt thinking i did pretty good = 72

    i left my first BEC attempt knowing i could have done more = 64

    i left my first REG attempt pretty much crying (but went into it having put in 2 months of good studying) = ?? we'll find out today, hoping for another FAR situation.

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!


    I thought I was close but probably just missed my first exam, REG = Got a 70

    I thought there was no one in hell that I failed the REG retake = Got an 85

    I thought I passed my AUD exam = Got a 64

    I thought it was going to be close with my BEC exam = Got a 75

    I thought I did pretty well on my AUD retake = Got a 75

    I thought I did well enough to pass on FAR = Got an 85

    So for me, I got most feelings right, but some wrong. It's really hard to gauge, but for me, I was usually close with at least how I felt coming out.


    I just wanted to post, since I struggled with this fear too. I recently received an 82 in Reg and I had expected that I did about 80's work.

    Studying with Wiley Review, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja Audio.
    Retakes with Ninja MCQ only...awesome!
    Far - 1/28 72, 7/22 79
    Aud - 2/28 70, 8/14 83
    Bec - 4/10 80
    Reg - 5/30 64, 7/2 82

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