Does anyone actually pass when they think they do well? - Page 2

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    I have taken one exam at this point which was FAR. I walked out feeling so incredibly devastated, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Then A71 and some of my friends that have their CPA told me I probably did great. I was CERTAIN I failed but then found out I passed.

    The more I read on here, the more I hear of people who think they failed but end up passing and the flipside of thinking they did great and end up failing. I understand this is the nature of adaptive testing.

    As stupid as this sounds… for future exams, should I honestly be expecting to walk out feeling like I failed beyond belief? Does anyone walk out feeling great about their test and end up actually doing great?

    FAR - 2012 - PASSED (YAEGER)

    ETHICS - 2013 - PASSED

    DONE!!! Thank you A71 for all the support! Hiya!!!

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  • #588819

    I was very confident that I had passed AUD, and I did (although I thought I would get a 90 and I ended up with a 78). I was 50/50 about BEC and FAR, and I passed. I was 99.99% sure that I had failed REG, and I passed.

    I'm not one of those really annoyingly smart people who is like “Oh my god, I did so awful on that test, I'm sure I failed!” and then gets a ridiculously high score. My scores were all in the average range, except for my REG score which was pretty high – and that was the one I was SURE that I had failed! I still don't really understand how I passed. I mean, I did study my butt off, but I felt like my test went terribly. I barely made it into my car before balling my eyes out because I thought I was going to lose my FAR credit. I keep thinking that someday I'm going to get a call and they are going to tell me that I'm not really a CPA because they mixed my score up with someone else's.

    I think that the best thing you can do is realize that there's a chance that you passed and a chance that you didn't, and have a plan set up for either occasion.

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    I was really sure that I passed audit. When the score came (in the mail…I am in Oregon) I was not nervous at all opening it and luckily squeezed out a 75.

    REG - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed


    My general feeling is this: If I pass, I might be few points over 75. If I fail, I might be few point below 75. I had a good feeling after BEC which I scored the highest. I was certain I was going to fail FAR and later found out I barely made it. Like others said, everyone's different.


    The second time I took REG, I was almost certain that I passed but didn't. The third time I took it, I was bummed because I felt worse than the previous time I took it. I thought I wasn't going to make it, but ended up 10 points higher than last time and passed. You just never know!


    The AICPA must love torturing people 🙂

    FAR - 2012 - PASSED (YAEGER)

    ETHICS - 2013 - PASSED

    DONE!!! Thank you A71 for all the support! Hiya!!!


    @CPAMan – that's EXACTLY how REG was for me.

    FAR: 71, 77
    BEC: 70, 82
    AUD: 62, 78
    REG: 71, 68, 85

    CA Licensed 11/2011


    For the first three sections I took (FAR, AUD, BEC) I knew I got something in the 80's when I walked out. I was right.

    I thought I bombed REG but I passed that too.


    I walked out of BEC and AUD knowing that I passed. I walked out of FAR nervous, and REG devastated. I passed all four parts, but I definitely enjoyed hopping on the #36 bus home a lot more after BEC and AUD.


    I've only taken AUD so far. Walked in feeling good, confident I had studied enough to give myself a good chance of passing. Walked out feeling horrible. Would not have been surprised at all to get a failing score. By some miracle got a 98. This exam is so crazy. How can you think you failed and get a 98? I was shocked. Definitely a good shock but still. Normal tests I would know I did that good. Not this one.

    AUD 4/1/12 98
    FAR 5/30/12 96
    BEC 7/1/12 92
    REG 8/18/12 94


    I walked out of AUD a few weeks ago saying I knocked the ball out of the bark. Sure enough, I did!

    REG- 2/12 - 90 | AUD- 4/12 - 94 | BEC- 5/12- 85 | FAR- 8/12 - 82
    DONE!!! I used Becker Self Study & Ninja Notes/Audio


    The best theory I heard on this was that the test is adaptive, as we all know. If you do better the test gets more difficult. So you feel like crap when you leave the exam. If you don't do well, the questions are easier. Hence the feeling of joy and jubilation when you walk out of the testing center. Harder exams = better scores for the most part.

    I walked out of my first Audit exam 100% sure that i aced the test. In fact i was so confident that i told everybody who would listen that i passed. Which i NEVER do. I got a 68. For the retake i was fairly sure i failed and would be restudying. I got an 85.

    FAR 80
    REG 76
    AUD 85
    BEC 85
    Ethics 98


    The only time I walked out thinking I rocked the exam was AUD. I just knew I did well on it; I actually was a little disapointed by my score. I thought I bombed REG, FAR, and thought I struggled with BEC. I always, though, felt I did REALLY well on the SIMS. I found the SIMS to be very straight-forward.


    I thought I aced REG when I took it and had mixed feelings about BEC, yet I passed both.

    Reg - 2/24/12 passed
    BEC - 4/3/12 passed
    FAR - round 2 7/1/12 passed
    AUD - round 2 11/01/12

    Using Becker, wiley, and NINJA.


    Well, I knew I did poorly on BEC because I had to guess on probably 15 questions, STRAIGHT GUESSING, since I couldn't recall many of the basic financial formulas on the exam. And when I say guess, I mean I have no clue, C for CPA type guessing. I walked out feeling frustrated, mad, and felt I failed, and I DID FAIL. Funny part was I got a 71, which I was expecting low 60's.

    I just retook BEC a couple weeks ago (awaiting score) but this time, I felt good about it, and finished the 3 testlets with an hour and 20 min for the WC. I felt good and confident walking out of that one, but it didn't seem like it got harder and harder. We'll see if the feeling I passed means I truly passed or not. I dont know if it's because I'm super prepared so I can't ‘tell' if it is harder, or if it legit didn't get harder at all and stayed medium. Who knows? Find out this weekend! I pray I pray I passed.


    from wiki:

    The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias manifesting in two principal ways:

    Unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.[1]

    Those persons to whom a skill or set of skills come easily may find themselves with weak self-confidence, as they may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. See Impostor syndrome.

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