Does Anybody Study Without Taking Notes - Page 2

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  • #1567245

    So, for AUD, my first exam I didn’t take any notes when reading the study text. I would read it then do the MCQ for all the lessons( I study with Wiley CPAExcel by the way), without ever writing things down. Whenever I did my review, I did write down the answers to MCQs I answered wrong and I re-wrote the Wiley flash cards.

    Then, when studying for BEC and FAR I decided I would take notes while reading the study text. This took me FOREVER, maybe I was writing too much but I think it at least doubled the time it took me to get through the study text. And, seeing as my score for AUD was much better than my BEC (and probably FAR) score, I don’t think it really benefited me?

    Do you any of you just read the text without taking notes? Has that been effective? I am studying for REG now and I know I could get through the material so much faster if I didn’t take notes, but I wanted to see if anyone had any thought on this.

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  • Author
  • #1741823

    @LCros, would you mind to elaborate your note method? How did you set up the note in a quiz format since you use the speech recognition?

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