Distractor until score release (1 WEEK!!!) - Page 2

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  • #1839790

    Hi all,

    If you’re anything like me you’ve probably been on this forum a bunch lately and have even checked the NASBA website as if they’d somehow release your scores early.

    To slightly quell this test release anxiety, I’d like us to embrace debate. Who is your least favorite TV/movie character?

    For me, it’s a toss up between Toby from The Office (for obvious reasons) and Frodo. We all know Sam should have carried the ring.

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  • #1840865

    Fiona from Shameless is absolute garbage. They try to make us feel bad for her since she raised all her siblings and she always dates the bad guys but she needs to own up to her buttholery. Frank did it and got a new liver and made tons of money sneaking people into Canada, plus he threw out the first pitch at a Cubs game! Got to go all in with the grifting/white trashness.

    Least favorite movie character is probably the nerdy kid from Zombieland. HE KILLED BILL MURRAY!

    Broken Toy

    I will go with Jenny from Forest Gump, She leaves Forest even though he treats her great and only comes back when she is about to die.


    I'd say Kevin was far more annoying than Robert. Just relentlessly dumb without any nuance or subtlety.


    @calvinus I sure hope you aren't talking about Kevin Malone from The Office, cause he was an amazing character!


    @calvinus – please watch this video in entirety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4jI97DiHF8

    The chili scene alone was one of the funniest scenes of all time!


    You do have to admit, neither Kevin, or Angela made accountants look very good…¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Oh man where to begin.

    shameless – Fiona is great, idk what you're talking about! You think she has it all together and then she cracks. Not perfect but she tries. Brings the show together I think. I have to watch the most recent season

    Game of Thrones- yeah Ramsay is terrible. But what about Cersei and Joffrey! Three characters from hell right there

    Eastbound and Down – Stevie was definitely a strange guy. Helped the ridiculousness of the show I think. Kenny Powers is the man


    I don't know many of the shows mentioned here. But I know the office and I feel like every character in the show relates to someone in every office… Kevin-office idiot. Angela- office harda$$. Jim-Jokester. Stanley-Guy who doesn't give a crap. Everyone has a role except robert california. I don't know what the hell they were thinking him bringing him onto the show.

    And yes. Jenny from Forest Gump.

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