Distractor until score release (1 WEEK!!!)

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  • #1839790

    Hi all,

    If you’re anything like me you’ve probably been on this forum a bunch lately and have even checked the NASBA website as if they’d somehow release your scores early.

    To slightly quell this test release anxiety, I’d like us to embrace debate. Who is your least favorite TV/movie character?

    For me, it’s a toss up between Toby from The Office (for obvious reasons) and Frodo. We all know Sam should have carried the ring.

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  • #1839988

    Another Office fan? All right! My least favorite character is Robert California, easily the worst addition to that show. My least favorite movie character is probably Vice Admiral Holdo, I can't even express how much I hated The Last Jedi, and while there were other awful characters in that movie, to me Holdo takes the cake for the worst and I can't think of another character that made me so frustrated while I was in a theater.


    Aww why the Toby dislike? It's not like Toby was my favorite from The Office or anything but I always felt kind of bad when Michael was so mean to that poor chap.

    Needs Advice

    Nice choices! TV: I don't like Iris on the Flash. Movie: I HATE Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker (SO WHINY).

    BEC: 7/31/16 (Awaiting Results)
    AUD: 9/8/16
    REG: 10/22/16
    FAR: 12/3/16


    Nelly was by far worse than Robert California!


    Nelly had some redeeming qualities in season 9, but I didn't like her at all either. Robert California was just creepy, and very pointless to the show, he added nothing positive, only made the show worse.


    @Nate true… The whole thing really went downhill when Michael left.


    @itooshallpass…Agreed, it still had some good moments in season 9 towards the end, but season 8 was a disaster. Forced humor with Andy and it just got worse and worse, up through when Nelly usurped the management position, so painful to watch. What is your favorite episode/moment? I know this is the most common, but when Michael shows off his Plasma TV in the Dinner Party episode is my favorite scene. I've also heard Steve Carell and Ed Helms say that was their favorite scene and it took them over an hour just to film that one scene cause they couldn't stop laughing.


    I think Gabe might be equally as bad as Robert California. He was one of the cringiest characters to watch.

    Also the person that lost the poker game to Jack to give him the ticket to board the Titanic keeps me up at night.


    Yeah Andy kinda sucked. I don't think I can pick one favorite but all the Christmas party episodes are great


    A hater thread, huh? Walt from Breaking Bad is pretty obnoxious. Great show but I just want to slap him most of the time.


    Easy – Daniel from the Karate Kid. Johnny is the true hero!



    I loved everyone from The Office and Breaking Bad. The WORST tv character ever is Stevie from Eastbound and Down. He was annoying and creepy and just the worst! LOL


    I gotta go with the twins on This is Us. Their dad dies in 1998/1999, and they're still dealing with the emotional drama 19 years later?!?! I get that he was this guy was superdad and all, but c'mon, man. It's definitely sad, but 19 years is plenty of time to move on. They should really just call the show “Remember That Time Dad Died” The things you watch for your SO.

    Another guy I really hated was Ramsay on GOT. I suppose he added something to the show, but he was the king of a-holes.


    Uggggghhhhhhh Ramsay. The. Worst. At least all the other “villains” are entertaining but Ramsay was just absolute evil incarnate.


    @Nate you nailed it on “The Last Jedi”. When you thought the new Star Wars would at least be better than the second released Trilogy (Episode 1, 2, 3) ,”The Last Jedi” surpassed them exponentially in its terribleness.

    To make things worse it soured people on Star Wars so they didn't bother to go see Solo. B/c Solo underperformed in the box office Disney scrapped all the other reboots and will move forward with Rian Johnson's Trilogy, the same director of the piece of garbage The Last Jedi. Alright I'm done venting.

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