Difficult Staff

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  • #2110710

    I have been working as an intern/staff accountant for about 1 year now and have to work with an extremely difficult Senior staff. The Senior has many years of experience but has never passed the CPA and seems to have it out for me. He is an auditor and since I do both audit and tax I have to deal with him on basically every audit. I took REG and passed (88) and only expect things to get worse once he gets word. We have basically only had one major argument when he basically yelled at me for things instead of trying to teach me and it was my 5 or 6th day of fieldwork ever. However, every time we go in the field there is a lot of tension and recently he complained to management because I didn’t do something that he thought should be done during interim work. He is basically trying to make people view me negatively and has shown 0 interest in helping me learn and advance through our binder. The relationship seems to be irreparable.

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  • #2110782

    1. do you report to him? If not, let your manager know he is difficult to work with.
    2. If you fear you will not be believed, put your smart phone on record next time you get into a yelling match.


    be careful with recording people without their knowledge though…might be illegal in your state.


    1) Don't record him like suggested above. Even if it's not illegal in your state, there are major ethical issues there and you could be fired on the spot.

    2) However, you definitely need to talk to management about this guy. I guarantee you are not the only person he's treated like this, and that management is well aware. Some seniors think they have the right to treat staff like this, and the reality is, they don't. If you don't stand up for yourself, no one will. If you don't hold this guy accountable, no one will. The CPA job market is tight right now, so your firm is likely putting up with him for now but will not promote him to manager.

    Level at the firm is based on years of experience, but standing in the firm (meaning what management thinks of you, your aptitude, and your abilities) is a completely different issue. You may already have a higher standing in the firm than this guy.

    When you talk to management, just stick to facts, and don't get emotional. Trust me, your management has dealt with hundreds of situations like this, they can put two and two together and connect the dots. So don't speculate why you think he is behaving like this, just stick to what happened and why you think it's wrong. Don't repeat yourself.


    I have experience dealing with difficult superiors. I usually just “deal with it” until the situation hits a breaking point. My breaking point would be the moment where I was yelled at, which has already happened to you.

    You absolutely need to go to one of your bosses and tell them that you have had issues working with the senior, explain to your boss that you were yelled at and that you no longer wish to be put on engagements with that particular co-worker. Explain that you enjoy working at the firm and have had no other issues with any other person there.

    You need to do this asap because I can GUARANTEE you that the next situation that you get into with this senior, he will have no trouble going to your boss and telling him about the problems he is having with you. And then it's your word against his and your boss will think that anything you say is just you trying to defend yourself against his accusations, when you should have made them aware of a problem if there was one like he did.

    I had a co-worker who was just a straight up wench!! And after a year of enduring her antics, I hit my breaking point. I went to my boss and said that I do not want to work with her anymore as I find her to be abusive and a liar. I was never put to work with her again after that point onwards. And, on top of that, her attitude towards me changed tenfold when the boss told her that I refuse to work with her. Because she was shocked that I actually said something to upper management.

    Under no circumstances should you be yelled at by a co-worker. He's not your boss. If he has something to say to you that's not respectful, he needs to go to your boss and tell him about what his problem is and the boss should address it with you.

    Good luck to you!


    Document, document, document. If you can't record him, try to write down everything verbatim as soon as you're alone. If journals can help convict people in court then surely it can be helpful in HR situations. Keep your head up.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    I'll say what NO ONE has said above. I'm assuming you're working in public. A well-established and respected senior can effectively ruin your reputation. I've seen it happen to people time and time again. My suggestion is to either:

    1) switch completely to tax (if you like tax)
    2) try to get away from the senior if its not too late
    3) switch firms
    4) deal with it or
    5) kick his ass


    Thing is, NO ONE cares that you're getting yelled at/mistreated. So recording it to prove what everyone already knows/suspects is useless.


    “Thing is, NO ONE cares that you're getting yelled at/mistreated.”

    If that is true at your firm, then you shouldn't be working there. You spend too many years of your life at work to be miserable. And many if not most jobs are nothing like that. Tell prospective employers that culture is very important to you. Those who would be a good match will understand what you mean and be happy to discuss their culture and values.


    Lol sure in a perfect world. I left as a Senior at a Big4. When demand is that high you’re not going to change the overall culture. It’s perpetuated from top down. That’s why the goal for most of us was to get in and get out.


    I would find a new job if I were you. At my last firm there was a senior like that, he was literally a bully and had it out for me cause I wasn't a girl. I remember when he'd call me “so f*cking stupid” and yell at me and say the meanest things, heck one time he told me he could steal my wife from me if he wanted but he didn't want to. I tried telling the managing partner about him, but he was an amazing butt kisser who everything thought was very charming so nobody believed me except for another staff who was a lesbian and sent it back his way when he flirted with her. I ended up getting fired, which I know this senior staff orchestrated, but I found a way better job and I became a CPA, get paid more, and his career has apparently hit the dumps. So just try your best to find a better culture, there are good firms with good people out there that will gladly hire you.

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