CPA Exam Review Facebook Group

  • Creator
  • #2982290

    Hey NINJAs, has a new CPA Exam Review Group on Facebook.

    Benefits include:

    – Feeling less-guilty about being on Facebook when you should be studying

    – Interacting with other CPA Candidates who should also be studying

    – Discussing how much you Hate the CPA Exam with people that are in your shoes (because let’s face it – no one else really “gets” it)

    – Candid study feedback from Jeff Elliott, CPA (KS) who will likely tell you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and study (but with a 🙂 emoji, so it makes it non-jerky 😀

    [Just kidding – Jeff is the nicest guy in CPA Review … and this is written by Jeff, so it’s true.]

    – Free NINJA Notes over tough CPA Exam topics like Governmental Accounting, Individual Taxation, Information Technology, and Audit Sampling. (Candidly – the best reason to join)

    – Ninjas … because everyone loves ninjas.

    Who is this Group for?

    – All CPA candidates using any CPA Review Course.

    Want Instant Access? Go Here:

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