CPA exam nightmares?

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  • #187635

    Anyone ever find the stress of these exams causing occasional nightmares? Last night I dreamt I was halfway home from REG when I realized I’d left the exam right after MCQ and had forgotten to do the sims (should be last exam and FAR expires if I don’t pass). After dreaming the people at Prometric were threatening to call the police over how much I was pleading with them and freaking out I woke in a cold sweat and heart racing. Took like 10 minutes to realize it was just a bad dream.

    Just wondering if anyone else ever has terrible dreams about these exams and, if so, what the craziest one has been. Waiting on scores is just the worst…

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88


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  • #585873
    Future Ninja

    hey longshot.. you're not alone. i've been dreaming also and not only that.. I talked about debit and credits.. disclosures until my husband wake me up..he told me what i was saying..

    AUD - 79 (expired) retaking July 28,2016
    FAR - 76 expiring July 31, 2016
    BEC - 85
    REG - 74,74,74,74,59,70,


    At least you are not taking the final exams at Berkeley in the nude. The only one walking to campus nude, sitting in the auditorium nude, because you are the only one who forgot to put on his clothes.

    And after all that, not being prepared for the exam and not knowing most of the answers.

    Bad dreams due to studying stress kept me from returning to school for 20 years.

    When stressed I also get dreams that I caused an accident, a fire, killed someone, and am headed for jail and bankruptcy if I don't find a way out…

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)


    I've had a few, they're all about being late to prometric and not being able to take the test. Funnily enough I had one of those last night…


    Oh yes. My most anxious ones are where I can't even find prometric (I haven't taken an exam yet) despite knowing full well where it is because I drive past it on my way to work. Like some Harry Potter world where the entire building has been moved. I wake up terribly panicked.

    Hopefully this one goes away once I've actually sat for an exam. We shall see 🙂 Definitely not alone OP.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 70, 83! Ninja note bump of 13 points!
    REG - 65, 70, 2016 Q1 retake before FAR expires 02/29/16

    CPAexcel + Ninja Notes + Ninja MCQ = Success

    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And boy, I am HANGRY!


    My nightmares about the CPA exam usually involve the concepts, like I'll see the material or lectures, my notes, etc. in my sleep. This is probably because I study after work, like 7-10 or 7-11. Even on the weekend I study later.

    My first job out of college was excel and deadline intensive and around year end, I worked like 70-80 hours a week so by the time I got home, it was time to crash and when I did, I would see excel and returns in my sleep.

    I also worked at a restaurant in high school/college and would have night mares about showing up naked. I think it just happens because we become so engrossed in it.


    Does anyone dream about scores? Is there any correlation between your dream score and the real thing?

    I dreamt I failed REG with a 69 the other night. For AUD, I dreamt I passed with an 83 and got a 81. Hope there is zero correlation now.

    AUD - 81 (5/5/14)
    REG - 67 (7/28/14) b00; (10/3/2014)
    BEC -
    FAR -


    NEY_000-not sure. On my retake of AUD I had several dreams about high 80s to low 90s, then they all changed to 50-60s right before score release. Ended up with 87. Based on my dream last night I sure hope it doesn't mean anything!!

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    LongShot – OKAY! Let's agree that our dreams don't mean anything. MAKES MY DAY. I've been freaking out about that dream for weeks now.

    AUD - 81 (5/5/14)
    REG - 67 (7/28/14) b00; (10/3/2014)
    BEC -
    FAR -


    HAHA I'm glad I ain't the only one having CPA exam nightmares! XD

    I just graduated in May, so taking FAR last month was my first section ever and I was really nervous. I had the same dream the 2 nights leading up to exam day that I woke up late and completely missed the exam! Talk about nerve-wracking. It's funny b/c this actually happened to me in college once….

    I really want to get my score back…waiting is terrible 🙁

    7/14 FAR ☑
    8/14 AUD ☑
    10/14 REG ☑
    1/15 BEC


    I love this thread. I have been having occasional ones for the last year. Right before the test and score release is the worst. One time on a Sunday night I dreamt the entire week happened and I was waking up on Saturday (my test day), I dreamt every detail about each day and didn't study on ANY of them. I seriously woke up thinking it was Saturday and my test was in a few hours, talk about panic!

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