- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 5 months ago by .
CPA Exam Forum Rules & FAQs
1. “I had 5 questions over _____ on my FAR exam and Wow – I had Sim topics over ___ and I can’t believe it!!! It was barely covered in my course!!! Can I say that in a post?”
No. It’s against AICPA disclosure rules. You can say that your exam was incredibly awesome or incredibly terrible, but not that you had 5 questions over _____ and that you can’t believe that they gave you a SIM over _____ because your review course said to not worry about getting a SIM over that.
Furthermore – this is what you agree to when you take the CPA Exam:
I hereby agree that I will maintain the confidentiality of the Uniform CPA Examination. In addition, I agree that I will not:
– Divulge the nature (emphasis added) or content of any Uniform CPA Examination question or answer under any circumstance
– I further agree to report to the AICPA any examination question disclosures, or solicitations for disclosure of which I become aware.
You cannot divulge the “nature” of your exam.
You can’t discuss the types of things you saw on your exam.
As a rule of thumb, use Adjectives (Hard, Awful, easy, horrible, insane) not Nouns (topics you saw … types of things they wanted you to do…whether or not your review course covered it) when describing your exam experience.
The AICPA takes this very seriously, ninjas.
2a. I have a question about _________. Where can I find an answer?
Use the search function in the sidebar … it combs 500,000+ posts and will hopefully find you an answer.
2b. Are Off-Topic (OT) posts ok?
Yes – but they cannot be racist, sexual, or anything that a moderator deems inappropriate or too off-topic or drama-inducing for an accounting-related message board. Watch the language too, please.
In short, moderators reserve the right to edit or remove any post for any reason.
3. How do I change my profile pic?
Simply upload a file from your computer.
Keep it PG, please – no warnings or second chances.
4. Can I resell/trade/give away my CPA Review materials on here?
No. Some review courses consider that a breach of your user license and this place would become a swap meet for trading courses and it would be a mess.
5. Can I swap my notes on here?
No. Same reason for re-selling study materials. They are covered under your user license in many cases.
6. Can I Network / Form a Study group or skype session on here?
No. For one – you might be a serial killer (are you?)
Two – imagine people posting study groups to every city across the fruited plain.
***The forum would be nothing but study group/partner postings and would be unreadable.***
Plus, it opens the doors for solicitors and scammers to invite people to their “study group”.
Never fear, the NINJAs have you covered. NINJA Monthly has a private study group with PM functionality. They are all paid members, so that adds one more level of vetting:
Please don’t use the forum for networking or off-site contact. There’s a few reasons for this:
1) It becomes a conduit for selling/sharing materials and exam disclosure.
2) There are thousands of forum users and if every posted their LinkedIn ID and email address, it becomes spam.
People don’t want to wade through “add me” posts while they’re reading about CPA Exam-related info.
(I’m a tyrant, I know … after running the Forum since 2009, I’ve been called it all. It’s also one of the reasons the forum is still a popular CPA Exam resource…I don’t allow networking/job posting/etc clutter on the forum with a few exceptions – when people ask ahead of time to post a job).
7. Do you allow Drama?
No. NINJAs don’t do drama.
8. Not even a little drama? Come at me bro!
Furthermore, anyone who disrupts the forum with drama/shenanigans will not be welcome on the forum.
(We all have better things to do than wade through internet drama).
9. But…I’m bored at work and want to pass the time nitpicking other grownups under the guise of psuedo-anonymnity to make me feel better about myself and causing a bunch of man-drama. Cool?
See above.
10. I like what you’re doing here. How can I support another71? (no one has ever asked this, but I think it’s an excellent question).
No need to support the site (although you’re more than welcome to buy some NINJA 🙂
Otherwise – simply…
“Like” another71 on Facebook:
Connect with me (Jeff) on LinkedIn:
Follow another71 on Instagram
… and that will be awesome.
11. What CPA Review Course should I switch to?
Ask yourself: “Do I really need to drop the equivalent of an iPad Pro on a new course…or do I just need to study my butt off and maybe add some supplementary materials?”
Get NINJA Monthly instead
If you decide you need a new course (instead of buying yourself an iPad Pro…opportunity cost at play here…) then watch the demos from each course BEFORE you buy and check out their refund or return policy…all the fine print.
(I personally would rather have an iPad)
12. Will you give me study advice?
Go here: https://www.another71.com/ask-jeff/
or here:
13. How does NINJA MCQ compare to other software products?
– NINJA is loaded with AICPA-Licensed questions
– NINJA utilizes Adaptive Learning (it knows, what you don’t
– NINJA doesn’t charge you extra for sims (they’re included – full list of sims here: https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/topic/ninja-mcq-simulations-complete-topic-list-by-sim)
15. Where do I get your free NINJA study planner with this ELL Plan people talk about?
Go here: https://www.another71.com/ninja-study-planner/
No. For one, you’re yelling and it hurts the NINJAs’ ears, which are super fine-tuned for Bob Ross whispers and exam disclosure.
Second, it’s one of Jeff’s pet peeves (he has 3 total…”FARE”, “HEY I AM USING ALL CAPS…”, and more than 10 items in the “Express” checkout line) and he will likely edit/delete your post out of weakness.
It’s his kryptonite…his fatal flaw. It’s not you, it’s him.
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