Cheer up time. Know any good accounting jokes?

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  • #166376

    Believe it or not I was at a motorcycle driving class to get my license and we had a little 10 minute break. The motorcycle instructor asked the class if they knew any good jokes. Since I’m a nerdy accountant, the only joke I knew was the one below. Enjoy!

    Why don’t accountants ever get constipated?

    Answer: Because accountants can work anything out with a pencil. HA HA!

    Share any other accounting jokes you know.

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  • #324686

    I don't know that many jokes…but I posted these jokes before, and they still make me laugh…here is one:

    My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while

    we were in bed.

    I turned to her and said, ‘Do you want to have Sex?'

    ‘No,' she answered. I then said,

    ‘Is that your final answer?'

    She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, ‘Yes..'

    So I said, “Then I'd like to phone a friend.”

    And that's when the fight started…


    1) What's the difference between In-Laws and Outlaws?

    Outlaws are wanted! 😀

    2) What's the difference between cancer and the Occupy movements?

    Cancer got jobs…..think…..think…..think….there you go.

    There's nothing funny about cancer, I just despise the occupy movements. 😀


    -Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To show the possum that it really could be done…bah bump bump.


    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    @Peanut, something about you posting that link to another joke thread reminded me of THIS joke, which isn't particularly accounting related except for the numbers. I think this board may be like these people:

    A new prisoner arrived at the penitentiary. Shortly after he was processed and put in his cell block, he heard someone call out, “52”. All the prisoners started laughing. Things quieted down for a while and then someone said, “23”. Again the cell block erupted in laughter. More curious now, the new prisoner asked an old-timer why everyone laughed when a number was called out.The old-timer said, “Most of us have been here for so long that we've all heard the same jokes over and over again. So to save time, we've numbered the jokes. Just then, another prisoner yelled out, “37”. There was nothing but silence. So the new guy says, “Why didn't anyone laugh?” And the old timer said, “That guy never DID know how to tell a joke!”

    Then the new prisoner says “Do you think that I could have a try?” and the old-timer said “Sure go ahead”. The new guy thinks for a while and then calls out “97”. The whole place goes into an uproar – prisoners are laughing hysterically, some are rolling around on the floor of their cell. Half an hour later people are still chuckling to themselves. The new prisoner, feeling really pleased with himself, says “That was a good one, wasn't it?” The old timer replies,” No, we'd just never heard that one before.”

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    @katiekanton, hahahha! That's great. Well I wasn't trying to squash this thread 😛 But you know how it is, sometimes there's 293487329847 of the same threads on the forum. I remember hysterically laughing at the old thread we used to have, figured it'd cheer someone up!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    Oh, no! I know you weren't. And there are lots of newcomers who weren't here then. But it made me picture all of us sitting around, saying,” hey remember when Goodluck2everyone posted that joke about…” and then you don't have to finish because we all remember and laugh. I got a kick out of it, but I tend to laugh at myself when exhausted.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    My favorite accounting/tax joke is actually a scene from Arrested Developement (my favorite show). Since, I've had some experience doing taxes and have a habit of telling people what they can write off, it really hits home.


    I saw this joke when I was looking up information about recruiting events:

    “You might also hint at loving double entry accounting… however, only if the recruiter is a man.”

    … I know, I know. :p

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