Career Paths and Advice Post CPA

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  • #2984021

    Hi All,

    I figured I’d try asking in the forum with so many CPA’s and hopefully soon to be CPA’s on here. I have 2 years regional firm experience in expat taxation / global employer services as well as 7 months at Big 4 in the same area. I have now recently passed my CPA exam and it took me 2 years to do accomplish that. I had left my most recent employer to focus on the exam and now have that lapse or time gap on my resume. Is this going to be a hard point to sell since it took me so long? I’m wondering what the best career paths are for me going forward, whether it be returning to public as an experienced associate and getting some corporate tax knowledge under my belt. What are the best roles going forward to be in corporate or maybe what exactly does the financial analyst position consist of? I’m trying to figure out when switching to industry or corporate what positions are the best. I do enjoy tax and think I’d personally like to go more corporate side of things than expat tax because I feel expat tax and international tax are more niche. I currently have an opportunity at a solid industry company in California but it’s in international tax. I’m not sure if I want to be in international tax (better than expat in my opinion) long term and I feel like now would be a good time to transition out of that area. However, I do have a good opportunity right now that may pay well also. Do I just take it even though it’s international tax that I don’t want to be in to close the time gap?

    Thanks so much for any advice ahead of time, I know it’s a lot but I could use any advice or help.

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  • #2984738

    Given the current economic conditions and uncertainty… I'd probably have to say go for it.
    It might not be what you want right now, but it sounds like you are relatively young, and can make a move in a year or two after you've closed the gap in your resume.
    It sounds like some larger firms have already made some cuts, so I'm thinking waiting for something else might not be in your best interests.
    All depends on how fast the country and economy can bounce back after the slow down.
    Accounting is still essential in most states, but I think a lot of the businesses we rely on for billable hours are going to suffer greatly.


    Thanks so much Recked. Yeah I’m relatively young getting up there in age lol, I’m 29 🙂 I’m still waiting on NASBA to send my scores to the state of Michigan so I can get my license issued. I guess they’re delayed and understandably so. Thanks again Recked


    Have you looked at California licensing requirements? I just looked it up and CA doesn’t recognize reciprocity – you have to apply for a license from CA.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
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    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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