Can I sit for the exam in one state and transfer my scores to another?

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    Can I sit for CPA in PA (state I am eligible in) and transfer the scores to MA (state I am lacking a couple of credit hours to sit for CPA)?

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  • #2897055

    Yes, you can do that, but it will likely cause you an issue to get licensed in MA until you clear up the education credits.
    Unless you go the full boat and get licensed in PA and then apply for reciprocity at some point down the line.
    If you try and apply for reciprocity soon after you are licensed in PA, I think MA will look at your education and or the PA requirements, as most states have a rule about the other states requirements being reasonably comparable.

    If you intend to clear up the education credits that you need for MA anyway, see if they will allow you to sit under the 120-sit rule.


    Thank you for your response, I greatly appreciate your input.
    The problem is I am lacking accounting hours, due to very specific requirements of state of MA, most likely most of the classes I took won’t be considered as accounting hours. While in state of PA they are accepting finance hours in their 25 accounting credit hours requirement.I got Master’s degree in finance with a little insufficiency of accounting credit hours for MA. Would taking some accounting classes to make up the deficit of accounting hours credits be the best option in this case, you think?


    I am not familiar with either the MA or PA rules for education, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
    It sounds like your best bet would be to take the additional classes that you would need to be licensed in MA, if you want/need to get licensed in the state you intend to work.

    Some states allow candidates to take simple community college classes to meet the education requirements.
    Some states also allow you to take some accelerated classes that count after you transfer the credits to a participating university.
    Lots of options, but again, be sure to check with your state to make sure these will work for you.


    According to the MA CPA website, it looks like you would need to be licensed and have 4 years of experience in order to qualify for a reciprocal license.
    Under 4 years you would have to apply as an initial applicant, which would presumably require a review of your education.


    Reciprocity is covered on page 8 here, and it sounds like the making of your worst nightmare.
    Finish the whole thing only to find out you still need the credits.


    Once again, thank you for your input. You are being extremely helpful.
    Unfortunately this is how things stand as of now. I have completed the whole course of study only to find out that I need more accounting credit hours. I will definitely check in with my state accounting board to see whether online classes or community college classes are going to satisfy the board.


    If I am eligible to sit for the CPA exam in IL and I moved to TX can I still take the exam in TX?

    BEC - 64, 58, 68
    AUD - 55 - Retake 2013
    FAR - 55
    REG - JAN 2013
    Ethics exam - required in my state (IL) DEC 2012


    You can continue to take the exams as an IL candidate while living in Texas. You will still get the NTS and scores from IL. You need to determine where you should get licensed and start researching the licensing requirements for that state. It should be where you are going to work as a CPA. If it is not IL you will apply by transfer of grades – look at those rules in the state you need to be licensed in.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I actually go back “home” to Illinois every year for tax season. I am really not sure which state I want to live in. I love the weather in Texas, however I have most of my clients/family/friends in Illinois. Thank you for the answer!

    BEC - 64, 58, 68
    AUD - 55 - Retake 2013
    FAR - 55
    REG - JAN 2013
    Ethics exam - required in my state (IL) DEC 2012


    You can get licensed in or both. Figure out initial license requirements and the reciprocity requirements for both. It is an additional expense but should be easily done once you qualify for a license in one state. Texas probably won’t recognize the Illinois certificate- you will need to be fully licensed by Illinois for Texas to grant reciprocity.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I once called NASBA to ask about this – the Seattle testing center is hell and I visited my family in Portland often (where there are fewer people and more testing locations).

    Their exact quote on the phone: “honey, you can go on a Puerto Rican vacation and take it there. It does not matter.”

    I’ve taken them in three different states now without issue, but I’ve yet to take one on a vacation.

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