Why are you considering returning to Big 4 if you are currently in industry? Industry generally pays better, but the career path is not usually very structured (and the pay scale along with it). Some discount is warranted, simply because “they can”, but 25% seems like a lot. Do you think you are overpaid for comparable roles in industry?
If we're talking about an entry level senior making ~65k and you currently make ~80k, the only reason this makes sense is if the experience/brand is that valuable and if you're willing to put ~2 years in to make it worthwhile. Of course, you could stay longer, but you will make up some lost ground with the annual raises in the 5-8% range vs industry which tends to be much lower at larger companies 2-5% range.
Try to project your career out 5 years with a “best” vs “normal” case for going to big 4 for 3 years and then returning to industry vs staying in industry.
An example on salary:
big 4: 65k * 1.07 * 1.07 * 1.12 = 83k * 1.1 = 92k (bump if you jump externally again after 3 years)
stay industry: lateral or promotion after 2 years: 80k * 1.03 * 1.03 * 1.1 * 1.03 = 96k
Ignoring bonus, you end up in roughly the same place salary wise within 4 years. So then you'll have to judge whether either one helps you get somewhere faster, or addes some credibility/prestige that you want on your resume, or some other benefits for your specific circumstances.