@BaseballCPA needs your help - Page 4

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  • #173288

    Ok, you’re all about to be exposed to a side of me you’ve never seen! A serious side *gasp* I know, I know…it’s true.

    Here’s my problem. I’ve been dating the same girl for the past 2 years and things have been pretty good. We went to school together, Master’s program together, we’re both CPAs, etc. But other than that, we have NOTHING in common, which would be fine, but we differ on some really fundamental issues. For example, I’m Catholic…I’m not going to lie and say I’m a devout Catholic who goes to Church every Sunday, but I have a strong faith in God and ultimately I want to go back to Church on a regular basis and when the time comes that I get married, I want it to be in the Catholic Church. Likewise, when I have kids, I want to have them baptized and raise them Catholic. She does not believe in God, does NOT want to get married in a Church, and will sure as hell not raise our (potential) future kids Catholic. This poses one hell of a problem for me. But recently, we’ve uncovered a bigger problem, the extent of our political differences. HOLY MOTHER OF ALL HELL is she a friggin’ lib if I’ve ever seen one. Normally I wouldn’t care, but she gets mad if I e-mail something along that is of conservative nature. Like what the mother effing hell? I can’t even express my opinions?

    I don’t know folks…maybe this one ain’t goin the distance. I care about her (true story), but we seem to differ on some really serious friggin’ issues. Throw some advice at ol’ Baseball šŸ™‚

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  • Author
  • #363958

    Wow, this thread sure blew up over night! You're all right (CPAPending — I laughed so hard at your post, I think I cracked a rib) and I know what I need to do, I just don't know how someone kicks that conversation off. It's like, “we need to talk…” “huh??? about what? Why do you say we need to talk? Are we breaking up??” “Umm, well, you're kind of stepping on the toes of my speech, but, yes”. Looks like I just need to sack up and make it happen.

    I don't want to string her along, but it's also hard because we really don't fight or argue so I'm trying to figure out if it will ever work. I actually don't care if someone is a different religion, but she says things like “God” and “Church” almost derisively, which I don't like. Likewise, I don't really care if someone has a different political opinion (certainly not a deal breaker), but I don't like being told I can't express my opinions via e-mail or whatnot.

    First, I think my gameplan is to continue to lose the 10-15 pounds I gained when I started work so I look all sexified again and then probably have the talk (gotta make sure I'm on my game when I get tossed back into the single's pool šŸ˜€ ). Second, I think that Jerry Maguire clip could be a reality so maybe I should wear a cup.

    Thanks for the listen, guys.


    But recently, we've uncovered a bigger problem, the extent of our political differences.

    But recently, we've uncovered a bigger problem

    But recently


    I think I found your problem…

    How do you “date” someone for 2 years and just now find out her political views? It suggests a general lack of communication in a 2 year relationship.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12



    I don't think he “just recently” realized that… He is now thinking differently than when he started dating her (when he was having fun) and now he is just giving it some thought… In a different way. That's all.

    You just don't realize, traits are always there. You just chose to ignore them or give them some thought.

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    @jokami, you're probably right…just trying to find some positive I guess

    I'm single, if that makes sense! Definitely have a lot to learn. Lol

    F - PASSED (11/26/11)
    A - PASSED (1/14/12)
    B - PASSED (7/14/12)
    R - PASSED (8/31/12)
    Ethics Exam - 95 %

    Just waiting to be able to put those three little letters behind my name...


    I don't recall politics and religion being the main topics of conversation in my early 20's until my husband and I became very serious… I think sometimes how you plan to raise children is a subject young couples may avoid until they are very ready to commit…

    REG 72, 86 and DONE!!!
    BEC 80 šŸ™‚
    FAR 72, 78 šŸ™‚
    AUD 73, 76 šŸ™‚


    Or….you could just let yourself go…become a blob…and let her be the bad guy and break up with you!



    Ok people!!!!!!

    As interesting as it is; enough with @BaseballCPA2 love issues!!!!! This is not going to help you pass the exam!!!

    Back to your books!!!!!!!

    @BaseballCPA2 you know what you have to do… @CPApending gave you words of the wise!

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies



    That is a great idea! Reverse psychology it works wonders!

    I second Jeff's opinion.

    Yeah… Start going to church every Sunday and invite her!!!!!!

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    No-drama breakup:

    “I am dying. I have one year to live and I think you should start seeing other people.”

    If you're still alive in 1 year … she should be happy for you. If she's mad – then that says a lot about her.



    Baseball, how to raise kids is a big issue betwixt mates. It's not so much that you guys have different views on God, it's that you'd like to raise your kids differently. Trust me on this one – wanting to raise kids differently can end a relationship and even a marriage. I am seeing this happen with my dad and stepmom. I'm not saying you're destined for their track, but in my short 22 years on this planet I've seen my fair share of marriages go awry over what school to send little Johnny to or whether Judy should go on dates with boys before she turns 16. Sounds stupid but cumulatively these things become a bigger issue. My advice is to let her go, especially if you yourself are having doubts.

    …wow, FW is not usually so serious. I'm going back to being a 13-year-old Japanese gamer kid in a tall female's body. o_>

    Why was there bacon in the soap?!

    BEC 4/19/2013: 79 - the "easiest" one doesn't mess around lol
    AUD 11/13/12: 90...NOT SURE IF SRS
    REG 2/11/13: 87!!!!! LOLWUT!!>???!?
    FAR 8/18/12: 81 MOFOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (srsly thought I failed lolol)

    Passed all 4 on the first try using Roger, NINJA Notes for FAR, and NINJA Audio for REG & BEC.


    Baseball, What's so interesting about your post is that you didn't tell us why you're with her. You listed all of her cons, and they were some pretty big cons, but I didn't hear anything about how this girl is really special or unique. On the other hand, the two cons you listed are pretty clear evidence that you guys think differently. I don't mean that you hold different opinions, but literally that your thinking processes are different. That's something that will last a lifetime and never get better. This relationship will not end well and you know it.

    So the thing to think about is: every day you postpone ending this is another day the girl who really is “the one” could be finding someone else who is available. My sister wasted five years beginning at age 26 with a guy in this exact same situation. She kept waiting for him to hear her out and understand her viewpoints, and maybe be swayed by her arguments. By the time she gave up, she was in her 30s and most of the compatible men she could have married were already paired up. Like it or not, most people find their husband/wife (at least their first one) in their 20s.

    So CHOP CHOP!!!! (pardon the ninja pun) Get the show (or the girl) on the road, and get out there to find someone who makes you happy, has things in common with you, and believes the same things you believe! I agree with CPAPending (about so many things, including the peanuts) and think you should start your girl-shopping at church, or your local Romney campaign headquarters.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    damnnnnnnn. =]


    Hmm, good point, Katie. Why am I with her? Well, let's see…We dated in undergrad for about 6 months. We started dating because I thought she was attractive and extremely smart (huge plus for me!). I used to date morons almost exclusively because they were literally a dime a dozen at my alma mater. I mean, it was like fishing with dynamite if you went out to the bars. But she came along and she was pretty AND smart and I was like, “woah…nice” (exact words). As I got to know her, I started to see some problems but they never really surfaced. We broke up for a little while, but since we were in the Master's program together, I think we got back together because it was convenient.

    We've been together since and despite the jokes I may have made, I do care about her and I don't want to hurt her. But I also don't want to waste any more of either of our time.


    YET WE DISCOVER ANOTHER TALENT, giving love,marriage advice to ppl.cant believe but quiet some replies. lets open a new thread FREE ADVICE ON ALL ISSUES OTHER THAN CPA RELATED ISSUES…


    you're so effing special, I wish I was special but I like Romney and I like to go to mass, what the hell am I doing here??????

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