@BaseballCPA needs your help

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  • #173288

    Ok, you’re all about to be exposed to a side of me you’ve never seen! A serious side *gasp* I know, I know…it’s true.

    Here’s my problem. I’ve been dating the same girl for the past 2 years and things have been pretty good. We went to school together, Master’s program together, we’re both CPAs, etc. But other than that, we have NOTHING in common, which would be fine, but we differ on some really fundamental issues. For example, I’m Catholic…I’m not going to lie and say I’m a devout Catholic who goes to Church every Sunday, but I have a strong faith in God and ultimately I want to go back to Church on a regular basis and when the time comes that I get married, I want it to be in the Catholic Church. Likewise, when I have kids, I want to have them baptized and raise them Catholic. She does not believe in God, does NOT want to get married in a Church, and will sure as hell not raise our (potential) future kids Catholic. This poses one hell of a problem for me. But recently, we’ve uncovered a bigger problem, the extent of our political differences. HOLY MOTHER OF ALL HELL is she a friggin’ lib if I’ve ever seen one. Normally I wouldn’t care, but she gets mad if I e-mail something along that is of conservative nature. Like what the mother effing hell? I can’t even express my opinions?

    I don’t know folks…maybe this one ain’t goin the distance. I care about her (true story), but we seem to differ on some really serious friggin’ issues. Throw some advice at ol’ Baseball 🙂

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  • #363913

    Religion is usually a deal breaker if someone feels strongly about something. And if you've been “dating” her for the last 2 years, doesn't that make her your girlfriend?

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    I, personally, could not date someone who was on the complete opposite end of the spectrum regarding religion (I have similar beliefs to your girlfriend and could not imagine dating someone who was religious). It's not anything ‘against' you or her, you guys just have a fundamental difference that will continue to come up over and over. I could deal with a political difference like you've described (maybe), but a huge religious difference like that, no, couldn't do it. I think you already know the answer, the rest is up to you.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    @Misanthrope — Yeah, she is my girlfriend haha but I guess I just think about it in terms of “dating

    @Keely – I'm afraid you're probably right…I just don't want to have to deal with all that right now. I know that sounds pretty weak and it is, but idk, not the right time to end things I guess! haha


    I would never, ever, ever, ever, date a theist.

    That is an instant deal breaker.

    Anyway…. I'm telling you from now…End it..

    It will NEVER work out.


    I think you're right…..

    I just have no idea how to do it…Honestly, I've never broken up with a girl…haha I usually prefer to let them do it.


    I'm 22 but I've seen the whole world and I've literally seen everything. You might want to trust me on this one. The longer you wait, the longer it's going to suck.

    I have nothing against your religious stance, but my advice as a neutral atheist is to end it now since you feel strongly about your faith and she believes strongly about her lack of it. It's just a matter of principle and if either one of you sticks to principles then it will logically never work out.

    That's funny because I've never been dumped. I've dumped every single girl I've dated. If you care for her then end it in the most romantic and beautiful way possible to reduce the pain if there will be any. (I cared for my ex and flew 2000 miles with a 200$ box of chocolate and dumped her in the nicest way possible)

    If you don't then text or email should suffice. (I didn't care for many of my exes and texted while taking a dump that she's been dumped).



    Haha greatest way to end it EVER. I'm taking a dump and you should know…you've been DUMPED! hahahah


    ^^^^ I read the above while eating…thanks, guys. Hahahaha.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    I thought that we were dating? Haha no I'm kidding. Truthfully the fact that you're posting this thread already means you know the answer and what you have to do. You've come to terms that you have different values but you just don't know how to end it because it seems sticky. However let me jus say that it's less sticky than marrying someone you're not meant to be with.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.


    Ok- even if you hated this girl dumping someone you've been dating for 2 years via text = douchebag move.

    As someone that doesn't believe in God at all, I still have been able to date men that were religious and feel like that can work out UNLESS there are children. Since you want kids thats likely going to be a huge issue.

    As a liberal I have never been able to date someone conservative. Kids or no kids I think thats actually usually a bigger issue.

    I agree with everyone else- I don't think this can really work out. I have no idea how old you are. If you are young, not in a hurry to settle down and have someone pop out your people puppies I don't know that you need to break up right this second though. I mean if you're 22 for example I would tell you that its way too soon to even think about settling down. Men are not really grownup until they are 30 (sorry dudes). Woman probably closer to 27ish. Obviously there are much younger couples that get married and it works out, but generally speaking I think looking for your soulmate in your early 20's isn't a good idea anyway. Does that make any sense?

    We need to help you sort this out, because I need you to get back to being mean to people on here, so that I don't have to move even further up the “bitch list” on your poll.


    Sad I'm only 4th on the bitch poll lol

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.


    @mg – haha yeah I think I've known the answer for awhile but I just don't want to have to be the one to do it!!

    @sandra – I'm 26 and extremely immature 😉 saving the text message dumpathon for another time 😛 I'll give her the old fashioned let down. Problem is, don't really know how to do it! Part of me feels like I've already invested time into the relationship, but as mg pointed out, ya can't be with someone that's not right for you. Sunk cost fallacy? Haha


    And for the record, Jeff made the bitch poll! Haha and you're too nice, mg!


    She must know its coming? Just be really nice about it. No great way to dump someone really. Do you guys live together?


    No I don't think so, probably gonna be a shock. No, we don't live together which makes things easier.

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