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  • #1748999

    I use Roger and just purchased Ninja MCQ. One area I noticed that I don’t feel Roger does particularly well in is SIMs related to operating cycles/internal control. What I have practiced with in Roger has not been a very close representation of the sims I saw on AUD both times. I got a 74 last time and I don’t want to leave anything on the table this time. Are the Ninja SIMs any better or do i need to look elsewhere?

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  • #1749564

    Same here. I too believe Roger do not prepare sufficiently for IC and different cycle. I practiced almost all of their sims but did not get any or similar ones in real exam. Since my Roger expired, i am using Ninja Sims as well as GLEIM. I found GLEIM sims comparable to the real exam. Also doing lot of MCQ related to IC, different cycles and Audit Evidence.


    Roger was a little weak in the cycles.
    I used Roger alone, 3 weeks, 85 hours, 1000 MCQs, got an 88.

    Make sure you hit the AICPA sample exams. Those were the only SIMs I tried and I had one that was almost word for word, same concepts.
    The controls and cycle SIMs were out of this world!


    Would you recommend purchasing GLEIM or should using the AICPA examples and NINJA be enough to get me over the 75 mark?


    GLEIM have separate section for Revenue cycle and other cycles. That might be helpful to you since Roger do not adequately cover those areas. As for Ninja, I would definitely recommend since MCQs are similar to real exam. However if you cant purchase both, i would recommend Ninja over GLEIM(GLEIM is unnecessarily hard). Focus on section 2, 3, and 4 on Ninja as those areas are heavily tested as well as practicing sims.


    Thanks. I already have NINJA. Money is not a concern, I just want to practice those SIMS and make sure I am prepared.


    @4matic-i actually thought the one section where Ninja SIMS were pretty good was AUD. In fact, I think they saved my behind on the exam:) Just do them all:) I also did the Becker ones since I used that one as a primary source….


    the only thing you can really do for SIMS is know the concepts really well. The SIMS I saw earlier this month when I took AUD were just odd and there wasn't really anything that could have prepared me other than know the material so well that I nailed the mcqs. If you know your stuff, you should be able to do the SIMS. I found out that I passed my retake with a 79 😉

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