AUD Retake Advice Needed - Page 2

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  • #1849891

    I took AUD in the second testing window, and I’m positive I failed (I skipped one whole SIM, and struggled with the rest). I am scheduled to take FAR in the last week of the 3rd quarter.

    When should I schedule my AUD retake? I think one of the reasons I struggled with the AUD sims is because they were related to FAR topics. Should I move FAR in the middle of 3rd quarter and then take AUD at the end? If I do that, I am scared that I will fail FAR because of the less time to study and/or I am scared that I will fail AUD because of the gap in studying.

    Has anyone been in this situation? What did they do?

    Side question: has anyone BOMBED the MC/Sims and STILL passed?


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  • #1854205

    @gimme_a_75 Oh youre so close! I think you should retake AUD asap! Then you have almost 2 testing windows to focus on REG and on AUD if you don't pass in July


    I am in the same boat. I starting studying for FAR 2 weeks in and failed AUD with a 74.

    I’m so torn if to stay with FAR or go back to AUD.


    I took FAR and AUD this past quarter. And i think you should retake AUD again and use NINJA. I did two weeks of NINJA mcqs and it really prepared me well. I think you will benefit from it since the material is still fresh. Also, read through the NINJA notes. I made sure to read thru it a few times when I got tired of doing the MCQs. For the SIMs, I used Becker and made sure to focus on the sims from A3 and A4 because those areas were my weaknesses. FAR is a lot of studying and so def just get AUD out of the way. Hope this helps! Good luck!


    Thanks @raj! Yes, that is exactly what I am planning on doing. I just bought NINJA for mcqs, and will continue to use becker for the sims!

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