As an Auditor … What car do you Drive ? - Page 2

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  • #172254

    I have a 2000 Montero sport … and since i graduated ! My uncle is telling me that i should get a brand new Camry !!!!

    Lol its too much money … but i’m wondering if that would be a right move for a fresh graduate with a new job … I am married and there is a baby on the way btw …

    What do U Drive ? what did u drive as a first year auditor ?

    his idea is that i should get something reliable … What do u Think ?

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  • #355095

    Not an auditor but I drive a 1994 Jeep Cherokee I bought for $1,800 over 4 years ago. She runs and drives great and I love not having a car payment. I do have enough money saved up in case something goes wrong. It does have 221,000 miles on it so it's just a matter of time. I also have a 2000 Buell Blast motorcycle and just bought a 1997 Honda Fourtrax 300 4×4 atv last week. Not to mention the 1988 GMC Sierra on airbags I have had since I turned 16. I love my toys!!

    AUD 4/12/12 79
    FAR 5/29/12 76
    REG 8/2/12 82
    BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
    ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio


    Don't make the mistake that a lot of new auditors make and buy a brand new car. Everyone tends to regret it. Save and get a house 🙂

    Licensed - 2012


    I'm an auditor in a small town and drive a 2000 Toyota Tacoma every day. As long as your car is clean, and reliable, it will do the job. My advice is just be professional. In the mean-time, save up money for a newer car like a Camry if that's what you want (which will be easier once you're a CPA and if you're not paying interest on car loans.)

    The Partners/CPAs in my firm drive cars like Subaru Forrester, Subaru Legacy, Honda CRV, because it is functional for their outdoor recreational interests and accommodate icey road conditions. I guess in a big city, there are pressures to be more fancy than that, but I still think with a baby on the way, you should definitely try to stay out of debt as much as you can. Compound interest is a fantastic thing, and you can use it for your benefit. 🙂

    We bought a house instead…


    I graduated last May and had to buy a car since I had to move a couple hours away from my hometown to find work. I got a 2003 Buick Century for 4,800 (paying back my grandmother since she had to buy it, because, alas, i had no money yet). Even though its an old lady car, I plan on driving that thing until it dies!!! And as of now, its running perfectly. Although, since I am not married and don't have a family, i might get a newer-ish car once I pass the CPA and get a better job.

    AUD-Failed (Waiting for Score)
    BEC-PASSED (First try)
    REG-Failed (Retake February 2013)
    FAR-Failed (Retake January 2013)


    When I was an auditor, I drove and still drive a 2005 Honda Civic. Living in the Bay Area (California) my audit clients could be up to 40+ miles away from my home, so having a car with good gas mileage was key! That way I was earing money on my mileage reimbursement! Your client will likely never see what car you drive up in, but I don't think it matters what car you drive. Your appearance and demeanor are much more important!


    Honda Civic Si


    I would definitely advise against buying a NEW car right after graduation and with a family on the way. Not without at least 6 months of living expenses saved up (assuming wife won't be able to work leading up to birth and for a bit after). You never know what might happen in six months, a year. Last thing you want to do is be stressed out about work/money on top of a baby.

    The hardest part as a new grad with a good job is to avoid lifestyle inflation (been out of school 5 years now and definitely guilty of it in the past). This has definitely cost me in the long run. Would recommend reading some personal finance blogs/Dave Ramsey type stuff because it definitely will put things in perspective.

    On a side note, if you absolutely MUST go buy a car, definitely don't be a sucker. Here is a website to check out and arm yourself with as much information as possible beforehand:

    I'd talk myself out of buying a new car now since it depreciated the moment I drove it off the lot but do feel like it wasn't a horrible deal thanks to getting good advice beforehand. For reference, I drive a 2010 Corolla. Best of luck!

    Passed AUD, BEC & FAR. Lost credit for AUD & BEC once. Finally finished with REG as dessert. 15 times was the charm.

    AUD: 86
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 80
    REG: 76


    I lease a ford fushion. it's got a motor, four wheels, and starts up when I turn it on. Good enough for me.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS


    I drive a 2007 Nissan Sentra that I've had since sophomore year of college. It's very reliable…but my fiance (who is 29) constantly reminds me that for his 40th birthday he wants an Aston Martin. Dare to dream!

    REG (2/24/12) - 89
    AUD (4/5/12) - 89
    FAR (5/31/12) - 91
    BEC (7/7/12) - 84


    Just got hired as an auditor so I can meet my state's auditing hour requirement. I'm selling my f-150 for a used Prius. Love the mpg's man. It's all about being debt free man. I don't want to be “that guy” who lives a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. I plan to live like no one else for a while so ultimately I can live like no one else….know what I mean? Dave Ramsey brother!

    BEC 78
    REG 84
    AUD 76
    FAR 83


    I drive a Nissan Xterra 2009 blue 🙂 ….

    I am so happy I received my Congratulation letter last night . It's light blue and it has a “void” in background that appear when copied … I am so happy … I need some credits for licence BUT I am happy … I am taking CIA exam currently… I could not keep up with “free” time … anyway


    Why would you want to buy a new car just to put a bunch of work miles on it? Drive what is cheap or free. I drove a 97 grand prix for five years while in audit. Drive the beater and sock those mileage reimbursement checks away for when the beater finally kicks it…… the new car reliability thing is over valued IMO. Old cars can be just as reliable esp if you are a little handy and can fix minor repairs/maintenance …….

    If you are into the image thing ……. then that changes everything……..


    @Ashley- Get the Silverado!!! Love mine. It's a 1999 and I have no idea how many miles are on it as the odometer has been shot for a while now. Bought it brand new and has been paid for a lonnnggg time!


    2006 Saturn Ion 4-door Coupe. It's a nice, simple car but my favorite feature is that it only has MY name on the title. No bank, No Lender. No Note!


    I played the used car game for a while and I hated it. You never know what you are buying. I never had luck with Honda's. There would always be an issue. In fact, in 2008 I bought a 2002 Civic ex for 3000. It had 119k but I was told “honda's last forever”! Ha! 10k later the engine was blown and I gave up on Honda's. I don't like the timing belt aspect of them. Both Nissan and Toyota use a timing chain that never needs replaced at the 100k mark. I bought a new Nissan versa in 2009 and never looked back. It has been awesome! You are better off buying a new car that you can routinely maintain and treat it like gold. So many used cars are used and abused! You can get a new Nissan for 13 or 14k and have it for 15 years. I'll take that over a used car any day!

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